Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )


The Resonant Analyzer of "Axion (Spin) Field"


In the article "The optical generator of "Axion (Spin) Field" with cross by EM-fields (N4/99)", "The optical generator of "Axion (Spin) Field" with cross by EM-fields (N5/99)" and "The Generator of the "Axion Field " Sort 5 (N1/01)" generation of the "axion field" in crossed EM fields was described. Probably, similar designs we can use for observations of a spectrum of resonant frequencies of a component of the analyzed "axion field", similar to resonant spectra of nuclear magnetic resonances (NMR) and electron spin resonance (ESR).




In crossed EM fields components with pseudo-positive 3 (see Fig.1) and with pseudo-negative 4 charge drift along axis X, making oscillatory movements along axis Y in a magnetic induction which is directed perpendicularly of the pattern of the figure and lies between the electrode 1 with negative potential and the electrode 2 with positive electric potential. As the oscillatory movements along axis Y of a component of the "axion fields" are not synchronized on a phase, we shall actually have two smeared strips of a component with pseudo-positive 3 (see Fig.2) and with pseudo-negative 4 charge.

If we add an electric signal with frequency, multiple Larmor's frequency, to electric potential of the electrodes 1 and 2, we can achieve synchronization of a phase of the oscillatory movements along axis Y of a component of the "axion field", for example, with pseudo-positive 3 charge (see Fig.3). After deenergizing of an external high-frequency signal the phase synchronism of fluctuation components of the "axion fields" along axis Y will be still kept for some time. These fluctuations induce a variable electric voltage on the electrodes 1 and 2, which can be analyzed as well as in devices of a NMR and ESR.

In the offered method it is necessary to take into account that the more a potential difference between electrodes 1 and 2, the "axion field" more strongly is split on separate components. And excessively strong magnetic field can prevent penetration into the device the "axion field" from an external source.


On Fig.4 the example of "resonator" for the realization of offered method is shown. The difference of electric voltage U is moved on cylindrical electrodes 1 and 2 satisfying the requirement:

U <= d^2*(e/m)*B^2/3


d - distance between electrodes 1 and 2;
B - induction of a magnetic field;
e - electrical charge of a proton;
m - mass of a proton.


Toroidal 3 and cylindrical 4 electric coils create magnetic field of spiral structure in a backlash between cylindrical electrodes 1 and 2. In result the components of the "axion fields" A drift in crossed EM fields and reel in a spiral around of the central cylindrical electrode 2. It increases effective length of the resonator and accordingly increases a level of a measured signal.


It is not desirable to use dielectric or ferrite in a backlash between cylindrical electrodes 1 and 2 as the "axion field" can induce in them induced the "axion field" that will reduce sensitivity of the device. The coils of electric wire of a toroidal winding 3 should settle down sparsely enough for the minimal distortion of the "axion fields" A.

But, alas, this obvious design is not efficient. At any essential intensity of a magnetic field its magnetic vector potential plays the basic role, this magnetic vector potential will reject the "axion field" to an axis toroidal coils 3 or will supersede it on periphery of the device. Taking this factor into consideration, it is better to use a design shown on Fig.5. In it the negative electric potential concerning the electrode 1 (tubes) and all the device moves on the electrode 2 (tube). The ferrite tube 5 strengthens magnetic vector potential on the axis of a toroid, so the vector potential of the set helicity is formed together with the vector potential of a magnetic field of the electric coil 4 in a backlash between the electrodes 1 and 2. Besides, the ferrite tube 5 closes all magnetic fields inside the device.


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