Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )


Observation of an "Axion (Spin) Field"
in Biharmonic Optical Radiation


Usually the speed of disturbance along the "axion field" beam in air makes from 105 to 107 m/sec. It is 10 to100 times less than the speed of the light in air. Therefore, the light interacts with "axion field" beam very poorly.


Probably, it is possible to expect stronger interaction between the light and "axion field" if to balance their speeds of distribution. One of the methods consists of creating a running standing wave in the volume, which is occupied by "axion field". This will light this volume from the opposite sides by the light from the lamps L1 and L2 with length of a wave differing 0.1-10%. Thus the speed of a running wave will be:


V= c*(1-λ1/ λ2)



c the speed of light;

λ1 - the length of a wave of the light source L1;

λ2 - the length of a wave of the light source L2.


The light, dispersed by the "axion field" beam A of the generator G, is registered by the movie camera C.

Probably it is possible to achieve the similar effect using reflection of white light between plane-parallel mirrors. Maybe therefore the method of calling and observing spirits in mirrors, which are put opposite each other, is used since the old times. There are candles on the perimeter of the mirrors, and a person tries to see spirits in the interval between the mirrors.

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