
Some effects


Helen B.: Converter-NS powerful. I see how from the device out three twisted spirally beam, which then coalesce into a single beam. Yet around the unit formed toroids field, approximately as shown in Figure. After 15 minutes of operation of the device is a feeling as if "ate".


Alexander A.: After 10 minutes of work the Converter-NS, head clouded as in mild inebriation. Radiation is the quality of Yang.


Alexander W.: When work the Converter-NS has a feeling of warmth in around the abdomen. After the experiment, the feeling of easy inebriation. And then feeling like drinking a lot of coffee. Fall asleep was difficult. I think it is desirable to use the device in the morning.


Irina L.: From the Converter-NS is a powerful radiation (I drew away to ~ 1.5 m). Radiation is felt especially in the hands and head. The next day, I turn the unit on when in the morning to wash. I "charge" from the room air. Feels pleasant cheerfulness. From the generator I charge at battery. If excessively recharged, and in my head a mess. At night, unable to sleep.

When there are problems with house plants, I irradiates them using the "axion field generator", it helps considerably. (20 years experience)


Dmitry B.: After using the objects (onyx balls charged in the "place of power") under the instruction observed is just the sensation of heat throughout the body, some time after the session. This is the same as when using the Comfort, it is just turn it on, and like in the bathhouse, though not always, but often. What does that mean? And how can you combine the use Objects and Comfort?


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