Alexander A.Shpilman ( )



All flows, all changes. Claimed designs of generators too have development.

The generator of "axion fields" - "COMFORT-8"

All began from a design described in Spin-field Generator , has proceeded in The Generator Axion (Spin) of Field With Use of Vectorial Potential of a Spiral Structure , The Generator of "Axion (Spin) Feld" - "COMFORT" and The Generator of "Axion (Spin) Feld" - "COMFORT-M5" . And for this moment we have a design of the generator of "axion fields" - "COMFORT-8" (see a photo). In the development the generator has less weight than "COMFORT-М5" (there is no heavy box of a network feed). Works in a wide strip of a network feed (110-240 volt variable and a direct-current). The return beam of "axion fields" is more effectively suppressed. The active nucleus of the generator is charged in "places power". And set of other small innovations.


The generator has two modification: COMFORT-8L and COMFORT-8R which generate a beam of "axion fields" according to the left and right polarization. That expands opportunities of research activity.


Thematic Contents


You can buy the generator of the described design

Attention, this generator is not a magic wand!

Its main destination - to carry out of researches.

(Information on E-mail: )