
Some effects


Yuri S.: I turned COMFORT-8. Feeling right hand was like before both hands. On the side of the torch I felt density, at the intersection - a weak uniform pressure on the entire hand. On the left hand has changed sensations. On the side of the torch I felt density as before. But when crossing the torch has not been uniform pressure sensations. Instead, he felt as if a hand with great force hit many separate streams thinnest needles, as watering cans in the bathroom of a powerful water pressure. The highest intensity of sensations jets in a torch was at a distance of 60-70 cm from the source. When approaching and removing the intensity of pressure and tingling streams palms decreased.

For the first time today felt instant pain as the burn again with his left hand as she crossed the lateral radiation parallel to the body in the area of stainless steel lip skirt. Somewhere in the 15-20 cm from it.


Victor S.: Effect with two identical Chinese cigarette lighters. After processing the lighter in the field of stone R charged in the "place of power", the flame height of about 15 mm, and in L flame about 10mm. After cigarette lighters began to check on fuel.

Did some tests with the fuel, rock R posed by on gasoline tank or gas cylinder increases the combustibility of of fuel, all say that the car has become more powerful, with diesel fuel experiments are not carried out. The second observation is that the stone R located on the cylinder head after about 15 minutes the car does not start the engine, replacing it with a rock L corrects the situation after 5 minutes. The effect is not starting the engine somehow appears only 6 cylinder BMW, on the remaining cars are simpler, with 4 cylinders, stable start up at any irradiation.


Elena B.: On the first day, the use of onyx beads charged in the second "place of power" immediately felt the flow of energy that went around the body before reaching the top of the head. I was already a little shaken. After two minutes, with wide-open eyes, I saw a ball of "energy" a small size, purple color, which "flew" to the side, about three times I blinked and to my great surprise ball "energy" is not lost before the eyes, and simply disappeared from my field of vision.

On the second day of use, the feeling of energy throughout the body, a surge of strength, the balls in his hands warmed to say if it is glowing. Sometimes you just do not have time to sit. For 2-3 minutes to get energy supply - this is perfect.

In the following days not to waste energy feeling, intensified "happy chakras", which fits these energy, and most importantly the quality of energy. From personal experience, the balls, charged in such a place, it is extremely effective influence on the Muladhara Chakra, as it works exactly on the Earth's energy and the interaction energy of this chakra is activated without much effort.

I recommend to listen to the feelings in use and still imagine what this energy to you (health, correction, etc.) and do it all in meditation relaxation.

Picking up the balls of onyx charged in the first "place of power", and immediately felt a pleasant coolness in his hands. After some time, the balls began to prick pretty well, and then I felt the pulsation of the flow of energy and then spread on the hands, the legs, leaving the fingertips. Further sensation in the throat, lung slow rotation clockwise.

During the morning and afternoon sessions, my observations:

Comfortable state, a burst of energy. In the evening a pleasant feeling of rest, relaxation and then an easy transition into a deep sleep until 6 am. (Previously, a long time I could not sleep, and then wake up as the signal at three o'clock in the morning. I've still about an hour "to count the number of camels' coming to drink.)


Olga B.: I continue to use balls, decided to sleep with them, having imposed on both sides (to the left and right). They lie in his case, but even so it is strong enough to feel the energy, such as sleep and do nothing, and then charging. Then they decided to hire clinging to them as a drug addict in the dose. As a result - I come home from work and not crawled. Session duration no more than 5 minutes.



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