

Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )


Experiments with converter of DSS elements


Experimental N. At once has felt work "The Converter" charging water. Then ascertained change of taste of the charged water.

In "the Converter" the plait with right twisting wires was used. Diagnostics was spent on "method of Folian" on the device "Dia DENC-PC" manufactures - Russia.

On the left picture result of measurement before the use of the charged water.


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On the right picture the result of measurements later 5 minutes after the use of the charged water is displayed. The general energy potential has risen. The immune system, endocrine system and a liver became more active. From sensations N has noted activization of digestive organs.

Next day after experiment indication were tightened to a green strip (to an optimum).



Experimental A. Ascertained change of taste of water.

Ascertained change of taste of water.

In the Converter the plait with left twisting wires was used.

In a column "Правая" of measurement to the use of the charged water.


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In a column " Пр-т 1" result of measurements later 5 minutes after the use of the charged water. Obviously calming, sedative action.




Experimental I. Has felt easy alcohol intoxication.

In the Converter plaits with left and right twisting wires were simultaneously used.

On the left picture result of measurement before the use of the charged water.


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On the right picture the result of measurements later 5 minutes after the use of the charged water is displayed. On the average the general energy potential has a little risen. But as a whole counterbalanced influence of DSS clusters with opposite polarisation has, seemingly, affected.



So simple design of the Converter has given unexpectedly strong effect. But, naturally, it is necessary to carry out the big complex of researches for definition where and as it to use.


Experiments with "Converter-R"


Experimental A. In the beginning warmly only in the left hand. After a while has felt heat and in the right hand. Then soles of feet have started to "burn" and began to be felt warmly in "the solar weaving". Proceeding from the perception he has concluded that that makes Converter-R is built in and redistributes "energy" streams in an organism.

Has noted - Converter-R operates soothingly.


Experimental N. Heat in hands. The discomfort was gone in a stomach (hungry, before a dinner). Soles of feet have started to "burn" and began to be felt warmly around kidneys. Has felt streams of "energy" along a backbone and in a nape. There was a noise in ears. Has declared that she now will fall asleep.

Has noted - Converter-R operates soothingly.

(The author thanks for the help in carrying out of experiments of folk healer Alyoshin Alesandra Jurevicha.)

Irina L.

In the beginning sensation of pressure upon a head. In five minutes on a body the hot wave has swept. Sensation as though blood has more vigorously begun to flow on arteries. Then the heat wave has subsided and from finger-tips the wave makes smb feel has run on a body. On the session termination (15 minutes) there was a sensation of ease in all body.



Experiments with "Converter-B"



Oleg Venger

The first impressions from water...

After the use of 3-4 paper cups of the structured water the head was as "House of Councils"...) most likely, intracranial pressure has risen...

Clients treated with the charged water... Has tracked that after the use of 2 paper glasses the top pressure of blood has risen with 136 to 150... Water is very active, with it is necessary more cautiously.... :)


(Similar on strong overdose. It is probable to use the charged water it is necessary sip drinks, instead of cups… though cups and small.)


Irradiated water on a miscellaneous, from 10 minutes till 45 minutes... Thus taste of water varies, there is a bitterish smack... Most likely changes pH (water gets alkaline properties)... Tomorrow I will check up exact pH before processing... Water gets vivifying properties, it very much pleases!!! :)

After its use on a body warmly and the face is poured by a hot stream...



Oleg Venger

Has made experiment with the Сonverter for water on carrying over of molecular structure of alcohol (in our case vodka) in water. Time of an exposition of 45 minutes. In a glass with the distilled water has been placed a small bottle (10 ml) with alcohol (vodka).

State of health before the use of the exhibited water - excellent and joyful. At the use of water after an exposition, taste of water bitterish with hardly appreciable alcoholic smack...

Volume of used water - a paper cup. Water used about 11 o'clock in the morning. After the use, a condition strongly pronounced "hazed" consciousness and a small headache in a back part of a head... Small nausea (especially at thoughts on alcohol...). Such condition lasted about 2 hours...

Along toward evening (after 17:00), a weakness and drowsiness condition, all joints unscrewed. A body temperature of 37.0 degrees.... The Condition of deep laziness... Depression and absence of mood...

Dream good, but by the morning such condition had hardly appreciable character... Throughout all next day a small ache in knee joints of feet... Formation and expression of thoughts "braked"...



Oleg Venger

Results with an irradiation of the sprouted grains in the converter SIMPLY MAGNIFICENT!!!!

The excellent product with the HIGHEST potential of power has turned out...

Having used only some table spoons of the sprouted lentil with 20 their minute exposition in the Converter I has experienced pleasant sating power streams which spread on all body... Has thrown in pleasant easy heat of excitement and pleasure... Cheeks burn... Has measured integrity of a power cocoon, all is simply ideal!!!! In general, the excellent product turns out!!!



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