
Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )


"Subtle structures" of human


"Etheric body"


We may look a well-known image of chromosomes on Fig.1-2. And effective resonators of "axion fields" on Fig. 3 (soldered copper conductors) are identical them. Is the similarity of forms a coincidence, or a deep interconnection?







A distinctive feature of matter in the "Deformed Spectral State" (DS-state or DSS-matter) is - it manifests wave properties in the microcosm and in the macrocosm. DNA and proteins concentrate the DSS-matter around themselves through the wave resonances. They form a holographic image of the shape and structure of a living object containing DNA and protein data through them collective efforts. The cells of animals and plants grow, differentiate and fill the holographic image according to the drawing recorded in their DNA. The immune system of animals is monitoring the correspondence of living components to this image. If is not appropriate, all they is destroyed and removed from the body. This holographic image of the living is called the "etheric body" (EB). As a rule, ET completely coincides with the biological body (BB).

EB, like well-known holograms, has a structure of volumetric interference of a multitude of wave sources. We can suppose that the largest fragments of this interference structure, when they crossing the surface of the human body, form what it is called in China as "meridians". In fact, these are "therapeutic meridians". But the "physical meridians" do not coincide with the "therapeutic meridians". That are shown in Fig. 5.








The "axion field" along the "physical meridians" has an essential projection lengthways the surface of the body, and it veins out of the body in the "acupuncture points". but at almost right angles to the surface.

There are the phase-frequency planes (PFP). They are very important element of the holographic image. The Figure 6, 7 show four main vertical PFP. They are crossed, at some angle to the horizon, by many tiers PFP under incline. Each tier forms something like an octagonal flat pyramid with peaks inside the human body (near the spine and sternum). The edges of such "main" pyramids lie in the plane of vertical PFP.

The nodes of the intersection many of PFP coincide with point, that is called the "chakras" (Fig. 8). These intersections are many more than "chakras".

DSS matter of a particular wave spectrum can freely move along each PFP. Naturally, this "spectrum" is the most rich in each "crossroads" of the intersection of the PFP - "chakras".


The animal organism changes in the process of life. The original "drawing" corrects the "etheric body of correction" for maintain consistency between the inherited holographic image and the current state of the body. In particular, it remembers the development of muscles, deformation of the skeleton, the presence of scars in the tissues of the animal, etc.


"Astral body"


"Astral body" (AB) or "emotional body" provides communication in a group of animals (higher) - family, herd, pride, flock, etc. The need for such communication arises almost immediately upon the birth of the breather. When the child has only born, he already manifests his own character.

AB consists of DSS-matter with a longer wavelength spectrum. It facilitates communication between animals at long distances. AB, as opposed to EB, does not fill BÂ completely. It is mainly concentrated in the area of the trunk and face of a person. Although sometimes we say: "the soul has gone to the heels from fear," it means only that the person is running. In fact, the AB consists of many fragments, sometimes they are not related to each other directly.

AB goes beyond the BB partly. So a person is able to empathize. As a result, the "crowd effect" can manifest itself and a large group of people accomplishes something in a single emotional impulse. What distance need be for disappear emotional impulse from the "crowd"?

"Fear" and the excitement of a person who first speak to a large audience of people is largely due to the unwillingness of a person's AB to interact with such an audience. A leader schedule to have a strong AB capable of suppressing / subordinating AB others.

Emotions of AB should be separated from congenital reflexes of BB, such as sexual desire (caused by the game of hormones), or, for example, what is sometimes called - "animal fear". At the same time, the sexual desire at the level of AB can be caused by the imbalance of Yin and Yang of the qualities of DSS-matter.

We are used to the fact - our BB has eyes, ears, hands, feet, etc. Similarly, AB is not amorphous. If we want to subordinate it to ours consciousness, we must feel it at first. We need to know, where AB has "eyes", "ears", "hands", etc. - or where and what resonates / trembles / vibrates, how we feel emotions. We need to learn ourselves not to live emotionlessly, uncontrollably, not realized.

We often say - "soulless person" - meaning low and rough emotion, i.e. problem with AB. That Christians are called AB the "soul".

AB through EB affects the BB. As a result, for example, if the person has to stay a long time in a certain emotional state, it is imprinted on his face - deforms the facial tissues and can lead to specific diseases of the internal organs. In other words, we are necessary to follow not only the condition of BB, but also the "posture" of AB.

The conscience of person is conditioned by communication in society, and it manifests itself on an emotional level. Probably, it is of the components of AB.


"Mental body"


"Metal body" (MB) resembles an elastic balloon around the head. It is not necessarily covering the entire head. But MB is strongly tied to the cortex of the brain. The MB forms many layers of a film of the finest structure in the cortex of the brain. Our brain acquires furrows may be for increase the surface of this interaction with MB.

Probably, the cerebral cortex together with MB work as a hologram. The flow of information highlights from outside as a laser, and we get an "object" - understanding immediately. If we have the more and more subtle the hologram, then the more the details of the "object" are drawn clearly, the more nuances we can note.

A clear, fixed border of the MB at the intersection with the BB can cause illness in the BB and in the MB. We can solve the problem if we are feeling all our BB. In this case, the MB forms a fine mesh that penetrates all the sensed areas of BB. Usually, the MB permeates the hands so.

The sensed areas of BB are under the control of MB, and can solve many health problems. For example, warts on the skin disappear quickly as a result of feeling the surface of BB.

We can assume, that the "placebo effect" is due to the fact a person begins to listen to his condition, tries to feel it, and placing the situation under the control of the MB.


"Casual body"


"Casual body" (CB) is concentrated in the node of the intersection of the PFP above the human head. CB allows a person more navigate in space-time, to anticipate, to anticipate, to predetermine.




"Budhi" (B) resonates with the knot of intersection of the PFP above the human head, above the CB. "Budhi" allows person realize himself as an individual (B is an observer). B concentrates in the parietal and occipital part of the brain. We can test this situation: close your eyes and determine the position of your ears relative to your observation point (OP). Are your ears higher and lower, ahead-behind your OP? The OP can move within certain limits freely. For example, we can look at your nose first your left eye, and then your right eye alternately and at the same time we track the position of the OP (also do with your eyes closed).




"Atman" is our highest "I". Atman takes a large amount of space-time and it seems to be at a considerable distance from BB. We call "strikening" usually comes through "Atman" (a very tempting experience!).


The interaction of "bodies"


We call BB - "dense body" (consists of "dense" matter). AB, MB, CB, etc. – we shall be called "subtle bodies" (SB) consisting of "subtle matter" (DSS-matter) belonging to different "subtle worlds" (DSS-matter with fundamentally different wave spectrum in space-time ).

Probably, a man has a large time interval of growing up, because construction of protein structures is a long process and that fully resonate with the DSS matter of AB, MB, CB, etc., and it is also connected with the alignment of resonant bonds directly between the SB themselves. What does this relationship give? Obviously, it is species survival and development.

Besides the listed "bodies" there are "symbiots of the subtle world" (SSW) near a man and in a man. SSW, like the bacteria in our intestines, live with us, make certain functions and are usually not very noticeable. Behavioral / emotional masks of a person can be considered both as symbionts and as parasites. For example: economy - greed, self-confidence - pride, etc. .. "Chatterbox" in our head - this is also a plus, and a minus (it slows the speed of thinking actually). Parasites of the subtle world provoke alcoholism, drug addiction (they are also called "larvae").

We often automatically copy, intercept, get infected from the people around us behavioral masks of symbionts and parasites. This is especially noticeable in children.

Usually, we are accompanied by reasonable personalities from substitial worlds. Why? Probably, because we are a "crossroads of the Worlds". This allows us to live a brighter, more intense, interesting life.




EB is strongly tied to BB. If BB perishes, the breakdown of EB is inevitable. The object of action is also lost for many components of AB. The others "subtle bodies" may well preserve unity, as a reasonable conscious individual. This is possible, if there is no internal conflict, and over the past time, resonances have sprouted into each other. This is not an easy task. So most likely, subtle bodies scatter on their "Worlds", as a rule.



Translation of Irine Lis