Sergey P.Fediaev


Observation Over Work of the Device "STORM GLASS"

(Continuation, the beginning in N1/96 and N3/96 )

There were the descriptions of the observations over the device "storm-glass" in the 1 and 3 issues of journal in 1996. I offer to your attention the next part of it.

In the 6 of July 1996 one trouble has happened. My daughter has broken the control device. I decided to restore the device from the remainders of the solutions, which have stayed from the previous experiences. But before that I have taken the device N367 and have become to examine the solution with microscope. Previously I have measured pH and it was 7.

I examined the device with 50-900 magnifications. There were distinctly visible spectral beams from crystals at small and average increases. At 200 times magnification the structure of sediment was striped. In process of dissolution in the solvent and at the large magnifications the crystals became more and more shapeless and turned into porous mass. In a dry state some crystals had the round and hexagonal form. It was impossible for me to get the magnification more than 900 times; I did not have necessary equipment for that.

The device, which has been created again, turned out disabled because the concentration of salts had not been kept up. That is why the new variants of the control and experimental devices were assembled.

Control device:



0.3 gram
0.4 gram

Experimental device:



0.6 gram
1.1 gram

Making the first solution I have added camphor (approximately 2-2.5 g), which have been educed from the previous solutions and washed out by boil water into 10 % camphor spirit. The dissolution has occurred easy at temperature 28 OC. After, that I have re-counted amount of salts concerning 30 ml and has filled the test-tube.

White curdled sediment, gathered in the middle part of the test-tube, has dropped. There was muddy liquid under it and transparent one above it. This device was used as control because its structure corresponded to a recommended (standard) one.

Making a new solution the concentration of salts was twice reduced and 10 % solution of camphor spirit was taken. White curdled sediment uniformly occupied the whole test-tube N367.

The purpose of last control device's updating was to approach its structure to the standard one and to make observations. But the released camphor hardly would be rather pure, and its humidity has not considered either. That is why the contents of salts would be higher, but camphor's contents would be lower then recommended one. It can have an effect on accuracy of the indications. The increase of the contents of salts, especially NH4CL, reduced sensitivity. Camphor's contents influenced on density of sediment. It proved to be true by that fact that the device with re-counted on 10 % solution camphor was filled with branchy crystals before deterioration of weather, these crystals were not very distinct, but translucent ones.

The mixed substances were placed into test-tubes and plugged up by rubber fuses. The control device was coated with sealing wax. The test-tubes were placed in water with temperature about 50 OC.

The sediment has been quickly dissolved, risen up and, continuing to dissolve, taken the shape of oil drops. The liquid in the top part of test-tube painted in yellowish color, its volume has made 1-2ml. In the control device color was more intensive. At initial addition of salts pH was equal 7, now it has made 6.5. In the top part of device N367 was gathered about 1 ml of yellowish transparent liquid as the dissolution was completed, and all the rest was a dregs of milk color. In the top part of the control device was gathered about 2 ml of yellow liquid, and all the rest was transparent. In some hours a ring of a yellow liquid in the control device was painted in reddish color. At decreasing of temperature there was sediment as a shape of flakes, at increasing it was dissolved.

The devices started to work properly in some days. In the control device the crystal sediment took the shape of druse and leaves. Those days, when there were rains or thunderstorm there, the sediment had the shape of flakes and it was dissolved at clear weather. Against of the previous variants of the device, it was noticed muddling of liquid up to milk color; it seemed to us the accuracy of the device has not suffered.

The device N367 was placed in a ring magnet, the yellowness in the top part almost has disappeared in some days, and the sediment has taken the shape of porous mass with bubbles of gas in it.

On the 29 of July the control device was placed in the street, because, being in the room or between window-frames the device could give the inexact indications, as it was in conditions which were different from condition of weather. However, as it has appeared later, it did not influence on device's work.

On the 3 of August a new variant of the device N367 was assembled. In the previous one there was reduced the contents of salts, and that fact has resulted in deterioration of sensitivity. In addition, the heating of solution was made in a hermetically sealed vessel, what, probably, has resulted in formation of an orange-yellow oily ring. Probably, the pressure of allocated gas was very important in this. The confirmation to that was that fact that heating was made in open test-tube that time. The sediment, which has dropped out at mixture of substances, was dissolved, but in the middle of the test-tube a foggy ring of light grey color was formed. Above this ring the liquid was transparent, but slightly dim; but under this ring it was transparent, containing bubbles of gas. Nobody knew how to explain it. The ring occupied volume about 1 - 2 ml, in process of cooling it extended, getting muddle the liquid. As moving the test-tube, the movement of the level of the liquid was insignificant, but the ring was more mobile.

The concentration of substances was re-counted on 10 % camphor's solution, but the volumetric ratio was broken. There was approximately 0.5-1 ml of salts on it than it was recommended. pH has made 6.5.

There was a clear weather, western wind with force about 2 numbers at construction of the device. In the device O2GI the sediment has taken the shape of twigs and occupied volume about 8 ml. In the control device the sediment at the bottom was as a shape of flakes about 1-1.5 ml., there were 4 ml of transparent liquid in the middle part and then 5-7 ml of starlets and needles. Then there was a transparent layer with leaves about 1 ml, and there were flakes and needles higher. Generally in this variant of the control device very often took place stratification of sediment on crystallization's degrees from the lowest flakes up to higher starlets and dots. But the sediment was more homogeneous in the previous variant. In the beginning of August the ring has not disappeared, but has turned to a crown with denticles from needles and leaves. On the 7 of August we could notice a transparent tawny ring with volume about 1 ml in the top part of the device. In the 8 of August the crown has become less expressed, its denticles "hid" and turned to needles. The yellow ring became turbid by flakes.

On the 3 of August the control device showed a rain in 3-4 days. Actually, on the 6 of August there was a rain. The rains were also on the 13, 15, 17 and 22 of August. On the 28, 29 and 30 of August there was drizzle, turned into a rain.

There was mainly dry cloudy weather in August there with prevail northwest winds. The atmospheric pressure changed from 702 up to 720 mm and the average indication has made 712.6 mm. Monthly average temperature was + 19 OC, its daily average fluctuations have made 9.2 OC. Monthly average humidity was 84 %, its daily fluctuations was 14.2%.

The strongest excitation of the control device took place on the 4, 11, 12, 15, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27 and 30 of August. And the strongest excitation was from the 20 till 22 of August, i.e. approximately one month prior to a complete lunar eclipse. Another very strong excitation was on the 25-27 of August. The test-tube was almost completely filled by flakes.

From the 27 of August till the 30 of August, probably, the basic influence of a coming nearer eclipse began. If till August 30 the excitation lasted about 1-2 days, so from August 30 till September 3, from September 5 till September 9 and from September 12 till September 16 the excitation lasted about 3-4 days. The strongest excitations were on the 7 and 8 and on the 28 and 29 of September, i.e. three weeks prior to an eclipse and two days after it.

The eclipse was on 27.09.96. At the moment of an eclipse the device was exited and filled by flakes, which were denser in the top part of it. This day there was a dry cloudy weather without precipitation. There was stratus-cumulus cloudiness about 8 numbers; i.e. the sky was on 80 % covered with clouds. A wind was southwest about 2 numbers.

The device was filled by flakes, which were denser in the top part of it with volume about 15 ml. Lower of this layer there were scattered flakes and dots, and in the bottom there was about 2-3 ml of flakes.

The same picture was before an eclipse. But after an eclipse flakes started to be replaced by crystals in the shape of "needles" and "leaves", sediment in the bottom and in the middle part has become to thaw, but sediment in the top part started to decrease in volume too.

In September average temperature has made + 14,3; the relative humidity varied from 63% up to 100 % and on the average has made about 84,7%. The pressure varied from 698 mm up to 726 mm, on the average has made about 713,8 mm.


In spite of the fact that the structure of the new control device was differed from former one, the indications of these devices before a lunar eclipse coincide in general.

It is interesting, that in March the northeast winds prevailed, in April southwest ones took place more often, in August northwest winds prevailed again, but in September southeast winds were more often. The device showed a similar picture; i.e. it is possible to consider that the influence of lunar eclipses on "storm glass" is established.

However it is necessary to remember, that weather was similar in April and in September. But, all the same, presages and consequences of lunar eclipses in the indications of devices were very similar. The following complete lunar eclipse is expected on September 16, 1997 from 21.14 to 22.20 on Moscow time.

What will show a complete solar eclipse of March 9, 1997? At 4 hours on Moscow time there will be the peak of an eclipse.

In October exactly one year will be from the beginning of observation over the "storm glass". At the end of October and in the beginning of November the results of observation will be summed up. Though the indications of the device rather exactly predict weather, nevertheless some questions are not clear yet:

1. How does the direction of a wind influence on it? The question is caused by that fact that at various directions there can be identical indications and on the contrary.
2. Why does the shape of crystals change instead of occurs only liquid's turbid? What does influence on a stage of crystallization?

For the answer to this question it is necessary to receive the more detailed information about conditions of crystals' formation. You see they are formed not only because of evaporation of solutions; probably, any other conditions are necessary. By a word, we still have what to think about.

How do chemical reactions in the device occur?
On this question I could not find the answer yet.

At this theme look also in and .

Translation of M. Dvoretskaya

We express our gratitude to mr. James D Mann for taking part in preparing of this article.


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