
We publish interview A.A.Shpilman with the American scientist, doctor of philosophy Robert Neil Boyd, take place through Email.


It is a lot of noise and declarations...


I am surprised situations! In what the reason?
"Psi-field", " torsion field ", "axion field", "spin field", "zero point"...
It is a lot of noise and declarations!...
And the result is equal to zero (point).


Is guilty trust? (illness of mentality?)
Scientific methodology of centenary remoteness?
Inability to think? To feel?
We wait next Leonard D'Vinche, Newton, Lomonosov, Einstein?
And this task for all Mankind (instead of for the geniuses of the singles) can?
Which decision Mankind is successful fail...?
In what the basic (fundamental) reason?
The reason completely in the other place can?
( For Example: expectation of an embodiment of souls of other generation?)


Robert Neil Boyd:

Probably, the answer is contained in the definition of the word "parochialism". As long as everything stays the same, those who think this way (whatever that way is) can be right (even if they are in actual fact wrong) in their beliefs or their theories or suppositions. Also about half the people in the world live with the mentality of the herd. These types of people just follow the crowd.

People are taught to live in their mind, not in reality. This makes many troubles. I often approach people I have never met with this: Once we have established some dialog of exploration, I say to them, "OK. I'd like to show you something about thought. Just add up two numbers in your head. Say, 58 and 73." So while they are adding the numbers, I just wait. When I see that they have finished, I ask them, "While you were adding those numbers, what were you experiencing?" They usually say, "The numbers." I then ask them, "What happened to everything else? The sun, the wind, the trees, the clouds?" They usually say, "It was gone!" And I say, "Whap! Into a telephone pole! If the attention is always on the thoughts, the world of the senses disappears, and we could be killed because of it. Right?" And they go, "Yeah. I see what you mean. But how can I stop my mind?" I tell them, "Just keep your attention in your senses. As you have just discovered, our experience of what we call reality is determined by what our attention is on. If you want to experience misery, keep your attention on something miserable. If you want to experience beauty, keep your attention on something beautiful. Isn't that easy? Just use your senses, and live in the world instead of in your thoughts."

Many people have a monetary advantage due to existing technology. Many of these people do not want any type of change. They want to keep their advantage. Imagine the President of a large corporation, such as Exxon. One of the Vice Presidents comes in and says, " There is a man in South Africa who has developed a way to run automobiles using only water. He's starting to market his technology. If he gets very far, he could cost us alot of business. What do you think we should do about it?" Probably the President will give suggestions about how to stop him, or suggest that the man from South Africa be bought out.

Similar events seem to happen in certain types of research. It appears that there are some facts that some groups want to hide from everybody else. For example, I am familiar with about 30 different methods of eliminating the disease called cancer. Why are none of these methods in wide spread use?

Also, people have been taught by the Neo-European "conquering" culture, which is global in extent, to take any advantage they can and to disregard all possible problems which could arise from this temporary advantage. People are taught to be greedy and selfish and take advantage. As this happens, people are separated further and further from Nature and its harmony and inherent basis of cooperation. Nature operates through interdependence. The Neo-European culture is based on competion. Competion is actually not very natural, but is a learned behavior, as a whole. It is clear to me that this trend cannot continue without a large stress on the entire world. This is because our existance in the world depends on Nature. If there was not Nature, there would not be us.

…Is guilty trust? (illness of mentality?)…

Yes. The Neo-European culture is a contageous disease of mentality. Any form of culture or government (or business or organization or group) which dominates large numbers of people for its own advantage is not desirable. Culture and government should be based on mutual support, harmony, and cooperation. Everybody helping everybody. That's how nature works.

Everything in nature helps everything else, yet has perfect abundance in its' own unique and independent life. Its' abundance then contributes naturally to the rest of Life. The flowers make the thousand seeds so that most of them can be given to the rest of Life, and so that two or three will grow to make new flowers. Everything in Nature understands this principle. Nature is an extremely complex interwoven network of cooperations and harmonies that exists in perfect balance with fulfillment for all things and the continuation of Life in all forms. (You might say that Life is my religion, and my culture, and my "government".)

Laws and governments are not the answer. People careing about Life and each other and wanting to help each other and get along with each other. This is the answer. Everybody working together in harmony, and at the same time, being self reliant and unique. Then we have real civilization. Because then nobody wants to hurt anything or take advantage because everyone cares about everything, and everyone cooperates in mutual protection and help of each other and Life. (This seems to happen naturally when people are left to their own devices without the interferences of laws or governments or philosophies.) Then we don't need governments or laws.

This view comes from the observation of the behavior of people, and the behavior of Life Itself, not from any particular philosophy or belief or way of thinking. (How do the birds get along without laws and governments when people can't? And we call ourselves "superior!" This concept of "superiority to nature" causes me to experience great distain.) When we copy the ways of Nature Harmony, we can have "Heaven on Earth".

It seems there are always those who want to hurt others, to take advantage, or who want to dominate everyone else around them. In the normal world, these people tend to be progressively isolated or insulated from the majority of the people. Many times people band together to protect everyone from such an insane person. They are ultimately "banished" by those around them, until they learn to get along and not try to dominate, and not hurt, and not cheat. They find themselves cut off from everyone else and the advantages and comforts of the group. They find themselves constantly watched and guarded against if they remain near the group.

Historically some cultures would actually physically brand such violators with an indelible physical marking, so that no matter where they went or what cunning they tried to use, they would be given the same isolation treatment by the rest of the society until they permanently changed their behavior.

In extreme cases, in the past, such have been threatened even with as much as death, if they remained near the group. They were banished in extreme cases, on pain of death, unless they could demonstrate to all that they had permanently changed and wanted to get along and not hurt those in the group. Historically this has been pretty effective treatment of such. Prisons are not needed for this to be effective.

If someone goes without any of the advantages of the culture, such as a home, food, gasoline, electricity, music, etc., it doesn't take them long to realize that they don't like such an exisitance. Or to start following natures ways, in which case they will easily integrate back into the culture.

So, progressive stages of banishment form a workable solution to such problems. It happens anyway, without any formal legislation, every day, all over the world. Why not formalize this natural human behavior in a very careful and thoughtful way? Remove the cultural comforts or advantages of such hurtful people, one by one, until they "get it" (understand and change).

Russia has a chance to make a new way of life, because during these times, the governmental systems in that part of the world are all in confusion about what to do, and how to do things. They are trying to figure out how to cope with the corruption and the criminals and the ones who take advantage and hurt other people for personal gain while at the same time they want to make it so that all people can have a good life. Much of the rest of the world is already caught in the way they are doing things in their countries already. Russia has a chance to be different! It could be magnificent to live there! If the people could only "get it". Someone needs to show them. To tell them. Here, I've thrown my two rubles in to contribute!

Maybe you could put this on your web site. At least it would give people a chance.

…Scientific methodology of centenary remoteness?
Inability to think? To feel?…

Yes! When people are taught to live only in their minds, to have the attention only on the thoughts, they lose touch with their hearts. Then they lose touch with themselves, and become like robots in a world made only of thoughts, which in many cases are not their own, but what they have been told to think. Then they identify themselves as being their thoughts, their beliefs, their conclusions, their house, their furniture. (When in fact they are much greater than all of this.) They identify themselves as being the Party, the Philosophy, the Nation of, the Theory of. I am a "this" or I am a "that".

When what they have identified themselves with is "attacked", or made false, or disagreed with, they respond to this as though they were being personally assaulted. They go through this process of, "I am a "such and so". You are trying to tell me that this "such and so" is wrong. You are making ME wrong! And I know I'm right! Because this is ME." (Even if they are crazy to think that way.) Then they begin to attack the "attacker". This mechanism is another part of the why the world is in such a condition. People need to learn to find out for themselves, what is the fact of things. And not to think then that it is them, but it is just the way things are.

…We wait next Leonard D'Vinche, Newton, Lomonosov, Einstein?…

Who would listen? So many are filled with 'brainwashing", beliefs, and propaganda and prejudice that they would exclude the truth even if it hit them in the face and colored them permanently orange with purple dots.

…And this task for all Mankind (instead of for the geniuses of the singles)
Which decision Mankind is successful fail...?
In what the basic (fundamental) reason?…

A global culture in which the mind is "God", and the heart is berated. The "Culture of the Unnatural". All that is truely valuable exists beyond thought. When we are keeping the attention in the senses, we find that we are feeling very nice. We begin the thinking, and the pains and troubles start. Nature doesn't have this disadvantage. Thought has its' proper time and place to be used to solve problems (which thought usually created in the first place), and to remember where we live and how to get there. (But everything in Nature can do that, - find its home. Why all this fuss and bother that people seem to go through?)

…The reason completely in the other place can?
(For Example: expectation of an embodiment of souls of other generation?)

Can you please enlarge this question? I can't understand the question as it is said, but I know that I am interested in responding to it. I get the impression that you are pointing at something that is true.



The scientific sociologists have found out the surprising phenomenon - children being born after 1983 strongly differ from children of the previous years.


At many "scientists - inventors" on soil mania of greatness and latent of fears to remain with anything, the illness of privacy was showed. They by the fear strongly deform the Aura of the Earth. In result the artificial barrier to occurrence new is created. And for occurrence revolutionary new, in Aura of the Earth, there is even more high-power "wall" - "wall" created by fear of "men of science", fear to lose the Image. Image created by very large efforts at absence of talents in creativity.

Strangely enough, but system of patenting of the inventions and Nobel premiums, also promote formation of these "walls".

How appear these "walls"?

First of all, they strengthen all vice of the man come nearer to "wall". Induce a fog on sensual perception of the World and thinking. Form "bands of failures" and accidents.

I think to pass through these "walls" in the single, it is necessary much to be able, it is necessary to be in something Saint Man…

Probably, collective generated on feeling of harmony, it will be easier to pass through these "walls". But for this purpose it will be necessary to spend many efforts for achievement of spiritual health.

Robert Neil Boyd:

…But for certain there are still other strategic reasons…
… At many "scientists - inventors" on soil mania of greatness and latent of fears to remain with anything, the illness of privacy was showed...

This describes, to me, the large investment and effort that the already existing dominating structures of physical and mental processes have made to assure the continuation of all things and processes without change.

Partly, this is because many people have made a career which they have been taught to believe can continue only if all understandings, beliefs, and processes remain the same. Some think that they only continue to make money if everything stays the way it is now. As a result, these people fear changes, or work against changes, even for the improvement. They want to continue in the ways they have been doing things, even if it has always been painful. But if all these people are having pain from this way, it can't be the best way.

Sometimes I feel like I'm watching many seperated people who have their arms in a fire in front of them, and can't move from there. The fire is burning and hurting them, and these people complain about this pain. But they can't seem to discover that the fire is the cause of this pain. They can't go away from there. Because their attention to the truth of it, to the fact of the fire, is distracted. They can't understand what is hurting them. Or they know that they are in the fire, but they see that everyone else is that way also, so they try to ignore it. I see their pain, and I want to help them. So I go there and remove their arms from the fire.

I've had three things happen when I do this. Some of these people are very thankful that they are not hurting now, and they go away from that place and begin to live and act and create in the world. Life is different for them. They become happy. It doesn't hurt any more.

Others, when I remove their arms from the fire, they put their arms back in the fire, quickly. They say to me that I was wrong to do this to them. They want to stay with the way they have always lived, they are accustomed to this way, and they put their arms back in the fire.

Still other people, when I take their arms out of the fire, they tell me my way is not correct. They tell me that this way of arms in the fire is the advantage. They tell me that this is the way all must people live, with the arms in the fire. Then they try very hard to put my arms into the fire with them. Those who return to stay trapped in the fire after I pull their arms out for them, sadly, I must leave some of them eventually, or I can get burned also. But I give them all chances to get away.

Sometimes some of those trapped in the fire notice others leaving there. Some of them realize, "I can do that too! I don't have to stay here with my arms in the fire!" Then they wander away from that place, and are free to live again. I say this because, life in the fire is not much of a life. The larger the numbers of people who leave the fire, the easier it becomes for those who remain trapped in the fire to notice the other people leaving, and leave also.

The other part of this statement you made about the mania of greatness is about the ego and the mind. When the mind is completely in charge of the life, it wants to compare and judge and analyze, what is the best, the most, the safest? The mind says, "I am the most important person. I am always right. My rightness is who I am." ( One of the jobs of the mind is to be right. Even if it is wrong. -- And the mind is not the person. The mind is the computer. When the computer gets complete and accurate input, the answer is always correct. But that is not who you are. You are that which operates the computer. That which tells the computer what to do. The problem is when the computer takes over the operator, and tells the operator what to do. This creates discomfort, at least, for the operator.)

Or the mind recognizes that the way it happens now is not the best way, so they think, "I want to be like them, so everyone gives me attention, and money, and all the rest of it." They then lose awareness of their own true self, because they want to be, because of the mind, someone else. To appear or behave like someone else, who they see is winning, or whom they admire.

The fact that they admire this way, or this person, says that they are this way already, in themselves. Or they recognize that their behavior is not this good way, but they know that it should be. Sometimes, copying this good behavior of the people they admire is good, because it helps the person to be who they really are. But, the ego, the false self, develops by copying and identifying. By saying, "I am this" And making this false self, or desire to be this false self, the most important. This makes many difficulties. Also the mind can be misled, decieved. A person can be told, "You will only be a good person if you put your arms in this fire. That is the right way, the proper way, the way things are done in this world. So go ahead. Put your arms in that fire. It hurts? Well, that is the sacrifice we all must make in this world." If the person does not do this, they are told, "What you think is not acceptible. It is not our way. You are not acceptible to us. You do not have your arms in the fire. We will not accept anything you say or do because you are not doing it our way. Maybe if you put your arms in the fire we would listen to you."

This sort of process leads, for example, to wanting and needing approval. "Am I good? Am I doing this the right way? Are my arms in deep enough?" People who always need external approval are easy to manipulate.

The approval that really matters is your approval of your Self, based on an honest, unbiased, direct, and sincere evaluation. (It's OK to doubt your mind. The mind can make mistakes, because all the information is not always available, or has been altered in some way. But never doubt your Self. The operator of the computer. The cause of the movement of the arm is not the computer. It is the Self. This can be experienced directly by investigating deeply and directly, with the senses, with the undivided attention, [not the mind], what is it that starts the arm to move? What is the very first thing that happens?)

…They by the fear strongly deform the Aura of the Earth…

Which is Peace and Harmony. Creativity and Uniqueness. Freedom, Abundance, and Fulfillment. Unity of Consciousness and Love.

…In result the artificial barrier to occurrence new is created. And for occurrence revolutionary new, in Aura of the Earth, there is even more high-power "wall" - "wall" created by fear of "men of science", fear to lose the Image…

The "Image" is the mask, the role, cast by the culture, that people then play in the world. The ego. The - "We know everything. We are always right. We are the authorities on this subject. So you should believe everything we tell you. And do everything we tell you."

This "image" is the way people believe, or have been taught, that they must present themselves, in order to be admired or respected. Then they forget how to be themselves. ("Everybody else does it!? I should too! I want to get along. I want to have friends." they will say. So their "friend" comes along and puts their arms in the fire.)

Or the way the mind uses to obtain something through presenting some false image. Whether the person is actually respected or admired when presenting this "image" is open to question. I have found that I generally prefer people who are genuine.

For example, there is real prestige, and then there is the created image of prestige. Real prestige is earned through natural admiration and appreciation of the Person and their ways and results by the people around them without any effort on the part of the Person to gain prestige as the result of their behavior. Unfortunately, there is an artificial form of prestige which is based only on how well the person fits into the mold, or the role. This artificial prestige is generated through artificial means such as advertizing and propaganda. It is the, "This is the best school, the best system, the best city because. The image is an externally created belief which may not have anything to do with the fact of it.

Personally, I much prefer facts to appearances. But I get caught up into this sometimes myself, because there are so many people who are caught into these images. Sometimes I find myself saying to myself, "I wonder if this looks OK? I wonder if they will like me?" and so on. Everyone needs to be appreciated. To experience Love and affection. I just need to stay in my integrity to myself in such times. If I appreciate me, it doesn't matter so much if someone says they don't like those clothes I'm wearing. As long as I like what I'm wearing, why should it matter what someone else thinks?

Just because they are all brainwashed into believing that all people who are "good" wear yellow on Thursday, it doesn't mean that I have to. Of course, if I want to be involved with them, they want me to wear yellow on Thursday. I don't think I want to be involved with them in that way of only the certain color. So I ignore this color problem they have, and try to be involved with them as a genuine person. For who I am and what I'm doing. And for who they are and what they are doing. I don't get all involved with this "yellow on Thursday" nonsense. But sometimes THEY DO. Oh well. I can only be me with them.

… Image created by very large efforts at absence of talents in creativity…

If there exists no creativity, there exists no threat to the way things are now. Many arms remain in the fire. Everyone remains the same. No one dares to be different and remove their arms from the fire. In this condition, they are easy to dominate and control through vague promises and threats of less or more fire. Then the dominators continue to dominate. Personally, I don't want to be dominated. And I have no interest in dominiating others. I just want to enjoy my life, the gift of my experiences in this world of beauty to the senses.

And the good thing is that the planet we live on, and from, is actually alive and conscious, and has its own plans for the continuation of life in all forms in the Way of Harmony. The planet can not be mislead the way people can, so the way it wants things is a good one. Now, if only people can experience that for themselves, the harmonious intentions of the planet, and all of Nature. Even better, if they can remember how to follow these Nature ways, as it once was all over the world. (Until the mind got in the way of the ability to directly experience the Harmony.)

… Strangely enough, but system of patenting of the inventions and Nobel premiums, also promote formation of these "walls…

This is a fact. This patent system has become a mechanism of the dominators, re-created by and for the dominators for their advantage. It is another form of ensuring that everything will remain in the grasp of the dominators. The patent only gives the right to bring legal actions against the copier of the idea. If one is not a dominator in the first place, it is probably of little or no use to them. If people weren't out to take advantage, patents wouldn't be needed. Patents create and perpetuate greed and selfishness.

The Nobel Prize has goodness at the core. It was designed to reward significant scientific progress and creativity. Unfortunately, it has become another tool of the dominators, used to ensure that progress does not get too far away from being something that can be controlled to maintain the advantage of the dominators. Too much progress, too fast, in any direction, and they could lose their grip. So they want to slow things down, until they can position themselves to take advantage, and be in charge. In my opinion, there are some amoung the commitees who determine who gets the Nobel Prizes who are in the control of the dominators in some way, shape, or form.

I'm certain that the dominators are in for a rude awakening. The rate of scientific progress is rapidly becoming impossible to control. Sooner or later something is going to escape them. Then the Harmony arises more quickly.

… How appear these "walls"?
First of all, they strengthen all vice of the man come nearer to "wall"…

True! That's another way of control, through vices. Or if the person does not have the vice they create the vice for them. And then it's, "Oh good! You're being the nice person being this way! Here! We will give you more of this! Oh, but just one thing. We need for you to do this certain thing for us, or we might not give you anymore."

… Induce a fog on sensual perception of the World and thinking…

A most important tool of the dominators. Anything that can serve to distract the people from the facts and the senses. The dominators might say to each other, "Keep them in fantasy or beliefs. Don't let them contact the facts. Keep them entertained, so their attention can not contact the true world. Create conflicts and sides so that they argue and struggle with each other without seeing what is around them. Seperate them from living in the senses by any means possible. Otherwise, they'll find out the truth of what we've been doing, and we'll be in trouble."

… Form "bands of failures" and accidents …

This is: Are common symptoms resulting from repression and oppression. Who needs it?

…I think to pass through these "walls" in the single, it is necessary much to be able, it is necessary to be in something Saint Man…
Probably, collective generated on feeling of harmony, it will be easier to pass through these "walls". But for this purpose it will be necessary to spend many efforts for achievement of spiritual health…

What you say is true.

The fastest and most powerful way I have found is through the senses. Pure awareness of only the senses. This opens the door to the Sacred Silence. The Sacred Silence is where we have our being, and where the Harmony lives.

I have developed an important exercise I call "The Penetrating Insight". It allows any person to penetrate to the core of things, to find out what the truth is by direct exerience. The excercise can be used in the sciences as well. I'll describe the exercise. If you wish to try it, I am certain you will get very powerful results from doing it. (The accurate translation of language is very important here if you decide you want to share this on your web site.) It goes as follows:

" We are going to discover together, through experience, the truth about emotions.

To do this, recall an event or situation that has happened in your life which contains the emotion called "fear".

Just take the first memory that arises containing the emotion called fear.

Now, throw away everything about that memory, except for the emotion called fear. We have no use for the rest of it.

Now, do you notice the attention does not want to stay on this feeeling called fear? It wants to move around it, away from it. Off to the side? True?

We are not going to let the attention do that. Cause the attention to go directly toward the feeling "fear". Head on. Straight at it.


Now, as though the feeling called fear was water, and we want to find out how deep the water is, move the attention through the feeling called fear, until you find the bottom of it. As though we are diving into the water to find the bottom, how deep it is.

As you are moving the attention deeper and deeper through the feeling called fear, searching for the bottom, do not allow the attention to be distratcted into any pictures or thoughts which might arise.

Just keep moving the attention through the feeling fear, until you find the bottom.


Do not allow thoughts or pictures. Just keep moving the attention to find the bottom.


When you get to the bottom, what happens?
What has happened to the feeling "fear"?


If you have done this excercise correctly, the feeling "fear" disappeared. It is gone isn't it?

This is the process of the penetrating insight. It can be used to cause any uncomfortable emotion to disappear, to vanish.

We see from this experience the truth about the emotion called fear. Can we fairly say that the feeling "fear" is an illusion, a mirage? And that it arises from the thinking?

Now let's do the same thing with a desirable emotion. Let's try love. With this feeling, love, it is even more important, as you're looking for the bottom, to not be distracted into thinking or pictures.

Doing this excercise with the good feelings, such as love, does not cause them to vanish. Something else happens.

Something just as important as what happened with fear when you found the truth of it through your own experience. When you get to the bottom of love, some change happens. Something different.

So. Recall an event or situation which contains the emotion called love.

Throw away everything in that memory except for the emotion of love. We do not want to be involved with anything about the memory except the feeling of love in the memory.

Now, as we did before, focus the attention on the emotion called love.


Now, we want to find the bottom of this feeling as we did before with fear. So move the attention through the emotion called love, until you find the bottom of it.

It does have a bottom to it, but you will probably find that the bottom of this feeling is much deeper than the bottom of "fear". So you need to keep going, keep going, until you find the bottom of the emotion called love.

Don't let the attention go into thinking, or any other pictures, or memories. Just keep moving the attention through the emotion, love, to find the bottom.

So when you find the bottom of the emotion called love, what happens?


Many people who have done this penetrating insight with the emotion Love have said to me that they experienced that the Love changed into a profound sense of Peace, Certainty, and Unity. Stillness. It is that which underlies love.

That is YOU. That is who you are.

If you can live from this place, from being YOU, your life will be a good life. Do you agree, based on your perceptions?"

End of excercise.

(A.A.Shpilman: Surprised!
Probably, we drink from one spiritual spring.
I name this - "feel deeply feelings")


The Penetrating Insight can be applied to any emotion. It will disappear the bad feelings, and convert the good feelings one into the other, because all the good feelings are connected to who we are actually. They are not arising from thought. They are pre-existing conditions of being. The good feelings are different aspects of who we actually are.

These good feelings are innate. They are built in. They are what we always deserve, these good feelings. They are arising when we are not thinking, when we are just being. The good feelings come when we are exploring and experiencing the world through all our senses, both the normal senses, and the "special abilities". When the thought starts, the good feelings eventually leave. And we have seen that thought is the source of the uncomfortable feelings. So why not just live? And be? And explore the Universes?

What we are experiencing as reality is determined by what our attention is on. If the attention is on the thoughts, we experience only the thoughts. If our attention is on beauty, we experience beauty.

…But for certain there are still other strategic reasons?

There is a super-luminal multi-dimensional connection between all forms of consciousness. The dominators work to stifle this connection. (But it is built into all consciousness. A law of physics, in my opinion.) What happens here affects the stars and the galaxies, and the other universes and dimensions. Many kinds of beings are here, in various ways and forms, helping as well as they can, considering the circumstances and mind-caused blockages they have to deal with here. It is in the interest of all consciousnesses that the world here be brought into Harmony. So they do their best to make it available for us. If we can bring harmony into our own lives, it will be that much easier for all to exist in the Harmony. (I sound like a preacher, don't I?)