


For certain you, reader, already collided with such situation, when the familiar or unfamiliar people in conversation referred to your words (opinion) not to a place or deformed them (its) essence, is conscious or unconscious by it putting you in an awkward situation.

Referring on authorities, we often put them in the same situation.

To refer to someone's words or opinion usually it is unethical. (?)

Can arise the temptation literally to quote authorities, but, alas, it does not solve of ethical problem, as the citations often applied not to a place. Besides, using the citations, it is possible with success to prove completely opposite things, i.e. the user of the citations, elevate himself, stand up on shoulders of authorities, "guide the interlocutor for nose".

But we shall return to ethics.

The authority in the statement, in due time, tried to formulate the idea or Weltanschauung. But as the man is talented was, by words of all depth of a think will not describe, i.e. the distortions are inevitable. The reader, reading great stanzas, perceives them, refracting through his Weltanschauung, his experience, his skills and errors.

It is the second moment of distortion of an initial idea.

The "embodied" idea of authority was born in due time under a particular situation. But twice in the same river not come.

The "embodied" idea can be only subject for thought, but not the manual to action.

But most important - the "embodied" idea was yesterday. Today authority can have other opinion, and to remember his last "merits" (error) are unethically.

Naturally, there is a question: experience of "great" on a dump?

The experience great us is necessary. The great people in due time could correct to orient in the ambient World (or ingeniously to lose the way) and it is necessary to us for acquisition of the skill to be guided and to act in this World.

As to reasons, that you proved - you prove the personal idea (it is always individual and is unique), your personal Weltanschauung and, though they and were generated with participation "the embodied ideas" of authorities, it is necessary to have bravery and skill to formulate the your idea by the your words, without the reference on authorities.

And if you don't know how to do it, then to admit in it.