A.A.Shpilman (alexandrshpilman78@gmail.com)


The Astrological Forecast

The people sit at home, go by cars, fly by planes, work in deep mines, swim in the warm equatorial seas, hibernate on the poles of the Earth. Young and healthy people play football in stadiums. Others, old and infirm lie in the reanimation section of the hospitals, and all of them have from the astrologers the same forecast depending on birthday! It's ridiculous and sad...

How can the planetary positions can be compared to activity, to the man on the TV set, to the computer or to an ordinary electrical bulb?

And maybe, the forecast isn't necessary for the astrologer? Maybe the main aim for them is to program us, to make us the slaves of the "Stars" (slaves of the astrologers)?

Do the astrologists realize what they want and what they do?

But, maybe, nevertheless there is some indirect influence of "Stars" on the Man? For example, the planetary and stellar bodies influence the parasites and symbiotes which live in the Orgone World, through what is termed Egregor. Such small creatures are not protected by a biological envelope and because of their small size, they are strongly exposed to energies which influence the Orgone. Because this is true, isn't "astroforecasting" something larger than mere childish prattle (or refined Zombie slavery) or a convenient way to generate income?


Does the soul grow old?

We become adult and also grow old. And our soul... Does it become adult and grow old, too?

We ask God about the gift to us of eternal life. But is our soul alive yet?

What can live forever?

Or is it oblivion and ... again and again passage passing?

Are there another possibilities?

Can we keep youth of the soul for ourselves?


Yes, this is absolutely true

Many articles are present in the almanac under the heading "Free search". But why, in many articles, is the "Mark of a question" written in style of the period?

Really, do not the authors have doubts?

Really, do all authors know the absolute truth? (Maybe, they are not able to search?)


Religion and advertising

Why do the speeches of the modern preachers for some reason remind us of advertising?

What and whom are they trying to sell (or to impose)?

Sometimes, it is possible to hear that it is necessary to do something which is impossible. But is it frequently possible to hear conversations from the soul and to the human soul?


(See N2/98 , N2/99)