A.A.Shpilman ( alexandrshpilman78@gmail.com )


Strange memoirs

Line A

Episode 1

Large village on a planet such as the Earth. The company of bearded peasants tries actively to counteract in the intervention of the extraterrestrials in development of their civilizations. Young guy of this company sympathizes the aspiration of their people of tribe, but more His attracts an unknow.

Somehow on nightfall, when all is around painted in yellow-reddish shades, on the outskirts of the village has appeared high svelte extraterrestrialian in clothes of silvery colour. All people of tribe for some reason in fear have run up, and only one guy has not followed the fleeting pulse to run together with all and has remained to stand opposite extraterrestrialian. Some minutes they being silent view each other. Then guy has approached to the girl and the short conversation was held. In a result lad wanted to know more about life people of the girl, wanted to live in more advanced civilizations…

Episode 2

High svelte the girl, works a waitress in the "coffee-restaurant" by the large space ship. All Her life and life of people of tribe proceeds in closed volume of this ship, and only it is possible by not much visit on a surface of any planet. The girl attentively listens to the conversations of the planets, She would like to visit there…

Episode 3

The sad, cold World of eternal twilight. All life of the ox-eyed man is connected with the work in the office of management of transportations (railway?). In office work mainly woman. After death of the chief of office He occupy his place. And it all His life, at the end of which has visited Him a thought: "Why I carry out work which up for me someone already has organized, has prepared? Why I fail to create anything new?"…


Episode 4

Rush movement between the stars to the outskirts of a galaxy. The mental conversation of the invisible interlocutors, which is possible to try to put into following words:
- It would be desirable though time will be embodied in happy, highly developed civilization…
- It is impossible!
- And even in a body of an animal?
The movement between the stars sharply has stopped and, after some pause:
- It is possible…
- But, can, nevertheless it is possible and in a body of "Man"?
- No…

Episode 5

The bright solar World. The light-blue sky. The beautiful house among greens of park-garden. The home animal similar to the black tom-cat, but sizes with the large dog, mainly all time is in the house and, as the sponge, absorbs in itself everything, what concern his "owner" (emotionality, ideas, perception of the World) - young lad with a little bit expressed lazy. The lad it is necessary to apply the large efforts to force itself studies and neither his in study does not hurry, but all his successes on this field are enthusiastically encouraged. The large place in his life is absorbed by the girl periodically his visiting.
The life lad outside houses, alas, basically has appeared is inaccessible to perception for the large tom-cat…


Episode 6


Rush movement between the stars to outskirts of a galaxy is continuing.

Immersing in an atmosphere of the Earth in the bright, solar morning. Approach of mountains covered by a wood. Envelops consciousness sticky, suffocating "energy". Unsuccessful attempts to counteract fading of consciousness. Unconsciousness. Short gleams of consciousness between trunks of trees. In one of gleams of consciousness to catch the idea - in a body of an animal is lived easier. Arise a desire…

Episode 7

The red fox sits on the edge of the wood and from the hillock look at the village. She is involved something with life in the village, the people … is Interested

Episode 8

The village among mountains and woods (Italy?). The boy observes a procession "courtier" of lady along the street of the village, catches involuntary envy His people of tribe.

The boy together with the father is present on ceremony of worship and bringing of "gifts" by the inhabitants of the village to the feudal lord-slave-owner. He catches and for a long time remembers an atmosphere of reverence, humiliation and hatred of the inhabitants from the village to the feudal lord sitting on a high throne.

In false dawn, on twisting path, young guy come down from mountains in native village after long conversations at a fire with insurgential by the slaves (Spartac's revolt?), in a result of which he has become stronger in the hostility to power-owners, to solve-owner.

Usual rural life, laborious work in a field…

(In a result - is acquired an emotionalityof the Italians, aspiration to freedom by insurgents slaves and diligence of the farmer)

Episode 9

Bright sunny morning at height several hunderds of meters in vicinities of the village. Mental conversation - work (an interosculation) of two invisible interlocutors analyzing lived life (spiritual clearing, "a dianetic session of oditing"?), and in end - question:
- What following embodiment do you want?
- More comfortable.
- Feudal lord, slave-holder?
- No!

The memoirs about courtier lady stalking on a rural street has emerged.
- It, perhaps, will approach.

In the answer - smile…

(In a result - the skills of the self-analysis are acquired)

East Spain. In the basic meditation in loneliness. Periodic inclusion in the cheerful company of young souls, ringleader which was the maiden soul (in the future, two thousand years after, - princess Diana?). From the right side behind her is persistent the soul of the boy followed (in the future - driver of the automobile which has lost together with Diana?). From the left side, a little in a shadow, followed behind her more wising by life a guy (?).


This example some painful (fatal) attachment at a subconscious level, was fixed as what is desirable for avoiding…

(In a result - the Spanish temperament is partly acquired)


Episode 10

The girl, the daughter whether courtier of lady, whether of the servant at a court of the French king. Rather quiet, measured life. With the help any of a subject (silver spoon?), is engaged in removal from the people to put the evil, inflict in a course courting "fight"…

(In a result - the subtleties of human mutual relation are experienced.)

Episode 11

The mental conversation-work of two invisible interlocutors at height of several kilometers, in which end has followed an thought:
- Again "heap" of a dirty (spiritual), likely it yet not my time… Whether is possible to jump in time forward?
In the answer - with a smile:
- It is possible …

Awakening after one thousand years, in the top layers of earth stratosphere above the centre of France. Tiredness after long dream. Prompt movement and concentration in east area of central Africa…

Episode 12

The boy in the having many children, rich and influential family, with some severe psychological atmosphere. (Forming of hardness of character.)

Become adult the young man is directed by the local governor with a certain mission to India (ambassador?). Further all His life proceeds in this country. The wife and children could not adhere him to a native land.
He travels on India, rotates in high society, meets the interesting people. Has mastered engineering of display of various focuses and it has won the special attention of a high society.
Somehow He with the friend has gone to one fortuneteller-prophetess, and that to him has told such… that, He up to the end of life has remained in bewilderment. Since then at His soul doubt to fortuneteller-prophetessalso has arisen.

Death in declining years from an heart pang…

(In a result - beginning of knowledge spiritual aspirations of the people.)

Episode 13

Mental conversation with the man in a room with the large gilt mechanical hours at a wall.

The widow has arrived in India and has organized ñeremony, reminding burial service. This action has drawn soul "dieed", on a place of realization îáðÿäà (to His great displeasure), and then, "due to" desire of the widow, Him has brought in "Roman-Catholic church" on a slope of a mountain, to the north of central India.

"Atmosphere" of Church has switched off (has poisoned) the consciousness (can are consequences "burial services" or this consequence that the yet not protective cover was not generated?), which in due course has become to be restored, but, nevertheless, long time He was in a half-unconscious condition, drifting along the left wall and ceiling of Church.

Souls are found adhered to Church, operated leaderian, which next change has coincided with more-less tolerabl restoration of His consciousness. The nauseating boredom Has depressed. The life reminded monotonous, dreary, confused dream, from which in any way it is not possible get up.

On the offer to undertake some active actions Leaderin has answered with categorical, unmotivated refusal, that, eventually, was finished by the conflict and going away from the Church.

Study in, something on similarity, institute of magic or physics of a thin matter. Here he has got stronger by spirit, has got skills.

Somehow, there was a desire to glance in Church, to understand in the essence is happened there, to have a talk with Liderian. Her He has found out not in Church, but in spherical light yellow formation (comfortable apartments), hanging in tens meters above ground, to the north of "Church" and connected with it by the thin crosspiece of a tunnel. But the conversation with Liderian was not take place. She has not wanted to talk "on equal", has tried to press. And, in a result, has appeared is strongly crumpled and is tousle, soul restoring the force and multiply the skill by active work of knowledge (Possible, have hostility to power-owners, getting from insurgents of the slaves of Italy.)

Our hero, came back in "institute" surprised, depressed by the occured event. He did not have hostility to Liderian, and even, in the essence, she by something liked. So to whom or that He "to give smb. a dressing down"? (the Soul refused to accept administrative hierarchy, she accepted only hierarchy arising naturally, arising on the basis of perfection.)

The occured incident has aggravated the contradictions between Egregors. The reaction has reached higher spheres. The frightened chief of "institute" has asked "hero" urgently to forsake an institution.

On ways to mountains He is overtaken by reaction of higher spheres - with Him the highly perfect soul comes into contact (in the future Serafim Sarovsky?). None reprimands and claims. The long stage of mental dialogue-knowledge begins.

The meetings occured in the early morning on the edge of a wood at height of several tens meters above a slope of a rock. And then, during conversation, they drifted above environmental district. And here once, when they flew by above Roman - Catolic Church, he has set a question:

- What it?

- Illness…

Knowledge - understanding it essence also was transferred.

- So can try to explain it to the people?

- Hardly at you something will turn out…

"Vision" of the forecast of development of events on the Earth on the given theme was transferred: "In the Beginning, in area of southern Ural, the strong antireligious movement will arise which will capture all Russia. Then, on a boundary of a thousends years, the revival of tendency to religion, disappointment, and subsequent denial of religions already forever… "

After parting HE still many times came back in a traditional place of their meeting in hope…

(In a result - was acquired knowledge and experience worth a thousends years of life. And, that is surprising! - way of development of reason, the ascension on new "heights", it appears passes through the conflicts, conflicts destroying old representations about the person and about the World.)


The information has come:
- It is time to be embodied.
Prompt movement to the northwest of China. A branchy tree near a rural house.
- Again rural life!? To refuse? Though … at me the similar experience already is…
- It is necessary throw off outward capsule.
- It would not be desirable …
- It is necessary …
Throw off outward capsule and loss of consciousness…

Episode 14


Measured life of the Chinese farmer. In free from cares of a time - an meditation loneliness, in mountains. But it was impossible to name life, in that time quiet - periodically it was necessary to repulse an attack predatory assaults "fighting squads" of the adjoining feudal lord. But here after any climatic cataclysm (close impact of a lightning?), HE has got ability whether smelt by effort of will blades of enemies, whether to deprive their abilities to active actions (the "outward capsule" together with magic abilities has returned throw off before an embodiment?). It has frightened enemies and has beaten off by hunt to armed assaults.

By any by "second" I, he has accepted the information that the soul Liderian has abandoned Roman-Catolic Church, and that she in many respects has changed (difficulty to tell as far as HE then has understood about what "speech"). And after any time other message - that perfect soul, with which he so liked to communicate, was embodied with the large Christian mission somewhere in area of Ural (Serafim Sarovsky? 1759?). Last very much Has surprised it him.

As through the village the caravan of retinue rich mandarine moved. To Him has attracted (has to feel drawn of soul) one of the girl of retinue. They have got acquainted and have agreed to exchange the post messages. But, when He has decided after some months to write the first message, on a threshold of His house that girl has appeared. She has quarrelled with the father and has left the house. They have got married and have lived the life - "in perfect harmony". (Surprising history - the girl from rich family has married the simple farmer! - Next gift of the Gods? Or help of the friends on "institute"?)

After many years have come news about death of the father His wife and that they should urgently go away on her native land to receive the inheritance. They have thought and have decided to not get involved in scuffle because of partition of the inheritance.

Here, basically, and all history of this an embodiment. He was lost from impact blade in a back of the robbers, which have caught Him. He died with quiet soul…

(In a result - an acquisition persistence of the Chinese farmer.)

Episode 15

The girl, lived in small city near to lake Balchash. Has died in young age whether of illness, whether for famine (1920-1931 year?).

(In a result - the character is corrected, there was his softening.)

Episode 16

Movement at large height in the party of Southern Ural.


Line M

Episode 1

The scientist with "sharp mind and tongue". Hot scientific battle, on which to His opponents got fair intelligence-emotional beating… (Apparently, battle were caused by distribution of the limited resources to scientific researches selected by the administrative-bureaucratic machinery).

Episode 2

After death His soul was met by three maiden souls, which accompany in prepared for Him dwelling-place - certain field formation at height in one hundred meters above a surface of a planet.

The long period of lonely mastering of new knowledge.

Hot disputes on scientific forums, on which He literally burn to ashes of the opponents by the powerful luminescence…

Episode 3

The small space vehicle has suffered in interstar space failure. The crew was lost. The management of the ship is damaged. To lie supine on a floor of cabin, He tries to operate force fields of the ship by direct mental influence…

Episode 4

The feudal lord in central Europe. Is interested in a science, but He is depressed by an entanglements, excessive complexity of an earthly science. Is engaged in independent study of a nature, takes a great interest in astronomy. Aspires to find an own method of knowledge…

Episode 5

After death - movement on east…


Line V

Episode 1

The Member of council engaged in mental health of a civilization. Council is a not administrative and not political formation, but its opinion is very highly appreciated.

After one of the conversations with the individual, invited in council, He decides: "At me is small of experience, it is necessary it to fill up…"

Episode 2

He stretched above a surface of the Earth at height of ionosphere, covering the attention the continents.

Was defined - Europe and India have completely various philosophically-philosophically-weltanschauungly of a position. They are necessary for acquiring, it is necessary alternately to be embodied in India and Europe...


Episode 3

The young man travels on ancient India, is interested in the people and doctrines. For the people having an opportunity to see by the "third" eye, demonstrates ability to displace the "thin body's", in particular displacing "thin body's " of hands, demonstrated multihanded an creature (was by a prototype mythological of the God - Shiva?)…

Episode 4

Europe. The monk, studying philosophical-religious Scriptures…

Episode 5

India. Yellow clothes (mantle) from a dense fabric with red stripe on bosom (rank of the teacher?).

Episode 6

Southern America. The farmer comes back in the settlement. Suddenly are taking alarm and are beginning a bark a dogs, the horses are shying in the aside. In high bushes, from the right aside of a road, has appeared a furious bear.

The friendly speech is directed to bear… The bear has calmed down and, by grumbling a little, has move away. By returning in settlement, the Farmer finds out that on the eve a bear kill the man (a bully and a sadist), which all settlement did not love.

The Farmer have got two sons, which he rear without a support on the religious foundations (contrary to tradition of that time). In family prevail a friendly atmosphere, without traditional allocation of children and parents, without their traditional opposition. Decentness, with light reason, the sons become a subject of His pride.

(The Experiment - education of children without a support on religion - completely has a success!)

Episode 7

The conceited priest in Germany. The congregation adored His sermons in moral-ethical and other themes exciting the people, - sermon with the minimal religious saturation. Twisted the novels with the women, contriving to avoid the conflicts (next experiment?). Was interested in all unusual. In particular, He was interested in the people able to communicate with the Thin World.

At the end of life has mastered travels in a "Thin Body", meditating before an altar…

Episode 8

After death regretted, that was not possible to engage in a science, as He planned before an embodiment.
Movement to Ural…


Line B

Difficulty representabled and it is difficult portrayed life in space between the Moon and Earth. Games, knowledge of the World...

And the World was perceived (from our point of view) very unusually:
Distance between the Moon and Earth seemed comparable with the size of planets, and His body on the sizes was not much less, only it strongly varied in the sizes - at approach to planets - decreased. Thus was appreciably slowed down and (perceived) speed of current of time.

Service by transfers "of strong-willed influence" from the back party of the Moon to field formation above a surface of the Earth. But here, as, wing of the consciousness He has contacted to consciousness of the people - Him the informational saturation of perception of sense organs of the Man has amaze. Has amaze perceived with a Human eye bright, sated with colour World. Has amaze the purposefulness of their leaders. And he Has refused transfer "of strong-willed influences", contradicting the aspiration of the people.

The long mental conversations-belief with "instructors", which could not make him change his mind.

There was a time, it is ever more and more draw Him the world of the people…


Line T

The strange many-dimensional the World. The dark-blue space is penetrated translucent, curved "poles", cross parallel-sided whitish by "planes" leaving for area of seen space. He was interested one of the "poles". He has penetrated it, and has "seen" cities, the people and has felt them purposefulness. Manipulations with the tendencies and events by something reminding game in a chess…

Change of own quality (body) and viewing, "analysis" of ideological life of the people…

What it? Memoirs of the author on the last embodiments (reinkarnation)? The information read out from the other persons? Violent imagination?

Why movement in direction of Ural? Can because, Russia should become the large experimental laboratory of a civilization (place of game of the Gods)?