Alexander A.Shpilman ( )


The Dialogue With the "Thin World"

The Dialogue with the beings (Spirits) Thin World is possible in many different ways: It is possible to speak and to hear the answer, it is possible to think and to see pictures as the answer, it is possible to catch an answer-back thought, etc.

I usually feel souls of the people as presence beside me of a dense body of the Thin World (in the form of fusiform or sphere). It is necessary to evince desire for dialogue with them and to get open for dialogue. In the beginning it is possible to felt only that there is some information interchange there. The result of an exchange is shown a bit later (sometimes in some hours) and this information is shown as memoirs on the own past. Large volume of information is in such a way transferred in a short time.

I shall bring some interesting examples:
1. Somehow in the evening, at the sunset, I stood in the Kazakhstan steppe on a roadside. I have felt presence of a body from the Thin World in the form of fusiform (naturally, the body had not precise contours), this creation this creation and which moved around me along the surface of the ground. I've got curiosity and I have been open for dialogue. I continue this contact, keeping the "interlocutor" at a distance not closer than 1.5 meters.

Approximately in one hour I "have recollected"... (I have collected memoirs of soul which I "communicated" with). I "have recollected" where HE lived and died. I "have recollected" how HE has moved in that place where we have met. I have seen where, in what house and in what family HE will have the next embodiment in a body of the man.
I have "recounted" one HIS experiment: HE, being in a thin body, could freely penetrate into the automobile, and HE has decided to check up if this penetration can be done with the quickly moving automobile... HE regains consciousness is little bit higher and aside from the road. There were not any negative consequences, but HE did not carry out such experiments any more.


2. I seldom go to the church, I do not believe, I am not pray, and this is usual the pure curiosity. In one church, where there were almost no people (I do not like the large congestion of the believers), I felt a presence beside me. It was a fusiform of a "thin body and in some time I have opened for dialogue. In the evening I "have recollected": the old man was not strongly pious, but HIS soul abandoning a body has thought - "Where do I go now?" The association between death and the church has emerged. Such a way HIS soul has appeared in this church. HE has already been for a long time in the church and nobody is interested in HIS destiny. HE is not necessary to anybody.


3. In the same church but at another time (morning), I felt a "thin body" of the spherical form (yellow colour) near an icon of the healer (at a distance ~ 0.5 meters from an icon). It was floating in air, so the sight of the man looking at the icon passed through him.

I have opened for dialogue. Being at home, after dinner, I "have recollected": The Soul of the "young" lad has transmitted the first mission - to correct the health of one servant of the church. HE has shown the diligence and the servant has recovered. It is difficult to describe my "memoirs" of HIS pleasure, the pleasure of HIS first success. Then, HE has supported health of this servant for several years, but later HE was forbidden to continue to "medicate" the servant, who soon has died. How to describe my "memoirs" of HIS regret about all what has happened?!

At once, after the appearance of these memoirs, several more persons from this church visited me being in thin bodies. They showed me the interesting pictures and transferred the information at other levels of perception, which are difficult for describing. I remember especially strongly the unusually bright, juicy, glowing, solar image of a tracery gold crown with set of sparkling jewels. I do not know, is it possible to see such beauty in reality?!"