A.A.Shpilman ( alexandrshpilman78@gmail.com )


Intoxicated Water or Spirituous Homoeopathy

P.M.Miachin at "wine"-testing

An experiment is very simple. By a "spin field" A of the generator G (the design is described in N2/96) irradiate a flat ampoule R from 50 % solution of alcohol, with a level of fluid ~ 2 mms. The ampoule was made of a thin transparent plastic used in manufacturing of bottles for storage of soft drinks. The ampoule is hermetically sealed-in.

Pure water W has placed under an ampoule in a porcelain cup.

It was supposed that "the spin field" is capable to transfer the properties of a liquid in the ampoule R to water W in a porcelain cup.

One hundred grams of water were irradiated during 10 minutes. And then, the tasting has made – we two have drunk the cut together in 50 grams.


The water has got slightly sourish smack. And...




Blood slightly "has played", a noise in a head begins. Also there was a sensation that we just now become sober.

And now we go to search pickle with salty cuke...

(Experimental - P.M.Miachin and A.A.Shpilman)


The Second Series

Experimental was given the irradiated water to drink not informing them, what kind of water is it.

Experiment 1

Kira G. - warily has tried water and declared: It not water!

She was explained - what kind of water is it.

Kira G. - It is disgusting. It is worse than vodka!

And she has refused to drink water.

(The Experiment has carried out by P.M.Miachin)

Experiment 2

Marina M. - had a drink of water and involuntarily has reproduced motive reactions which were characteristic at drinking of the concentrated spirit.

Marina M. - informed:

Smell of vodka.
It is a slightly sour.
The hot wave has run along a body, but not from a stomach, and from tongue.
Slight euphoria.

Marina M. got the characteristic reaction for an light degree of intoxication (shine in eyes and brisk speech).
Any negative reactions were observed, neither during experiment, nor further.

(The Experiment has carried out by P.M.Miachin)

Experiment 3

Helen S. - usual water;
Burning in a throat;
Inflow of heat to the face;
I am hot.

Cheerful mood, brisk speech.
Any negative reactions were observed, neither during experiment, nor further.

(The Experiment has carried out by A.A.Shpilman)


Experiment 3

Irina L. - Water has slight sour taste.

Eyes grow foggy. Speech languid, slightly complicated.
Any negative reactions were observed neither during experiment, nor further.

(The Experiment has carried out by A.A.Shpilman)

This experiment demonstrates an opportunity of application of "axion field" generators in homoeopathy.

As the alcohol gives the man a wide spectrum of sensations and reactions, its use allows to investigate many of variations of influence homoeopathy to the man.

But the most important thing is a demonstration of an opportunity of changes of quality of water. At times, water, passing multistage clearing, keeps taste and smell of "bog". Water remains "dead". But, probably, with help of "axion field" generators we could "vivify" water. It will allow us to make water tasty and curative.

Surprisingly and naturally - it is possible to feel alcoholic intoxication not drinking the irradiated water, but only being present in a room where the described experiment will be carried out. I.e. homoeopathy is possible without water.

The effect "of Intoxicated water" is not observed at the longitudinal moment of a pulse of "axion field" less the pulse of a proton with energy 300eV, and it is good itself shows at energy 600eV and above.


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