Mila Droretskaya ( )


Bone to bone and you will be healthy

All Karkaralinsk-city knows about the surprising folk healer who copes with the most hopeless bone-breaks and other bone problems. Moreover, even orthopedists from Karaganda-city (200 kilometers away) direct to her their patients whom official medicine has already refused. That is why Karkaralinsk-citizens don’t hesitate for a long time do not change where they should go in emergency – to the farm " Kirghizia " to Oral Adilkhanova

13-years Oral got her healing  abilities in October of 1967. That day the girl fell from a horse near the cemetery. While she was without consciousness, she saw a surprising "dream": shewas lifted from the ground by the gray-haired old man, and they together rose on a high mountain. There they met an elderly woman with hair white as snow.  That lady stretched the piece of a white cloth and scissors to Oral, but the girl did not want to take because of the fear. However the woman insisted: «The ancestors have transferred it to you». And the old man started to teach young Oral: «You should live all life in cleanliness and do not touch alcoholic drinks. Your destiny is to serve people». Oral regained consciousness at the moment when she almost agreed to accept unusual gifts from that old woman. Oral laid on the cold ground, and neither scissors, nor cloth were seen nearby.

Having got home, the girl told about a strange incident to her grandmother, and the old woman took her granddaughter to the mullah.

Wise Nygmet-ula had been shaking his head for a long time: it was very dangerous to get in such trouble near the cemetery, it was possible to get insane. He was the first who informed the girl about her received gift of healing, and told, that Allah had saved her for serving people. Oral respected the mullah very much, but she couldn’t believe in his words and her selection. Only five months later she saw such an opportunity.

… Oral loved her five years brother and he used it rather much. That March day he unscrupulously teased her by a big bar of chocolate: he showed his senior sister the sweet , promised to give but then escaped. Everything was OK except the fact that the children were having this game on the high haystack. Oral didn’t understand how and why her laughing brother appeared laying on the ground. He didn’t laugh any more - the boy squirmed from pain and could not move both hands.

In no time Oral was near the kid. She heard a voice from nowhere: «Break a piece of wood from the sledge, take off your pioneer tie”. Oral was afraid to turn back, but the sorrow for her favorite brother forced her to execute everything, what she was told. The girl’s hands were working themselves: she put the broken bones on their places, applied the splint from a piece of wood and tied it up by her tie. It was her first experience of treating people.

… The whole year after that case Oral felt ill, and then events hastened around her: she met a young man, married him and gave a birth of her first son. He became the second patient of 18-years old healer: Oral’s sister fell the baby out of the hands, and Oral cured him by the familiar already way.

… Near the clean and small house of Oral I saw two young mothers sitting. Their kids’ legs were into splints which had been done by Oral Adilkhanova. Both children had inborn dislocation of hip joint. I asked them why they hadn’t gone to a doctor and young women puzzlingly shrug their shoulders: what for? Oral exists…

The folk healer worked all her life in the farm: she was a cattle breeder, worked at a pumping station. Oral finished 7 classes of rural school and gave a birth to 12 children (she brought up 10). In 49 she lost her husband. She says that she has never tasted alcohol and kept the ancestors’ order: watched herself in cleanliness of soul and body.

Now she is a pensioner but doesn’t stay without work: people go from different villages and cities, bring patients to her place or take Oral Adilkhanova to victims’ houses. The healer speaks, that the most complex case she had not so long time ago -- 20-years old guy from  "Progress" farm broke a shank of his leg. The breaking was open and rough. Oral was brought to that guy at 12 o'clock at night, and till half past four in the morning she had been collected his bones piece to piece.  At the time of operation the guy tore a pillow by his teeth because of the pain... Then Oral imposed plaster and operation ended.

There was a car-crush in the spring on a road near "Kirghizia" farm - a young woman broke a backbone. Her friends transported her to the healer’s house at once. Oral kept her hand above the backbone and in no time felt a place of breaking. Two men stretched the woman for hands and legs, and Oral reduced the breaking. At the moment of finishing the victim started to feel her bottom part of the body – she got a wish to empty her bladder.

The healer says that she makes all operations only by hands. By the edge of her palm Oral can break any thickest bone (if it is necessary to re-cure patients with incorrectly knitted up bone-breaks). She uses fingers to break little parts of a skeleton. Sometimes she sends patients to finish the treatment to surgeons, for example, after reducing a knee-pan it is necessary "to hammer" in it by a bolt.

… Oral stretches to me a thick copy-book filled up by different handwritings. It is opened on a page with number 1925 at the top. It is the number of cured patients since 1998, and all of them left words of gratitude in this copy-book, their names and addresses. How many people had been cured before 1998, Oral doesn’t know. She thinks that more than two thousand. She got advice to make such notes by a clairvoyant. Oral met this woman in 1997 on a wedding of her relatives in Jambyl-city. The clairvoyant predicted, that a few years later Oral would have problems with the law. So she advised to write down everything what Oral made. And exactly a year later that meeting, the public prosecutor of the area forbad to the healer to do illegal commercial activity. He told if she took patents she had to pay state taxes or to stop this occupation. Vainly the woman proved, that she didn’t take money from people – they gave what they could (a pack of tea, a box of sweets). But in case a person didn’t leave any present she treated him all the same. But the public prosecutor was relentless, and Oral promised not to do any healing any longer.

With a sigh Oral told me how she had to break the given word – a girl from her home-village broke a hand. The relatives came to Oral three times, but she refused them. Then people collected 200 signatures and sent the delegation to the public prosecutor to protect their favorite healer. After that the first article about the folk healer appeared in the local newspaper. Seeing tortures of the child, Oral reduced her hand, but she refused to treat other patients…

Lord omniscient and fair, and short time later that public prosecutor has addressed … to illegally practising healer for help! His relative broke a backbone. The woman didn’t want to treat him either, but then agreed – she was a mother herself and couldn’t leave a child without help. For 27 days Oral returned the health to the boy, now he is completely well and runs very fast. By the way, the public prosecutor had to recollect about Oral once again --  because of the problems with another relative. And again Oral performed an operation.

- Oral, do you still hear a voice when you treat?

- Yes, I take a patient for the pulse and at once I know how to treat him. I also get information how many days he will be treated. Someone should come to me for 3 days, others – for 7 days (it happens more often). In each case it is very individually.

-Do you treat only moslems?

- No, for me there is no difference. I treat everyone who was created by God.

- And what are your relations with official medicine?

- I do not like doctors - they treat incorrectly, and then I should break and reduce bones. But I don’t take any patient to me by force, they come themselves for help.