Alexander A.Shpilman ( )


The law or Harmony?


The healthy, strong man goes to the swimming pool playing by huge muscles. He leaps into water and rows strenuously. A fountain of splashes, waves are rolled through skirtings of pool....What a power! What wonderful strength!...

 But, what is it? Our athlete is tired and he started to sink!...
He is thrown a life-buoy urgently .

The old man  approaches to the pool slowly.  He is "skin and bone". He drops to the pool and...  lays, having a rest on water. Then he is floating ("slide") easily, he is not struggling with water. It seems that he is not applying efforts.

And there is also other inhabitant  in that pool  - a dolphin - it is personification an of force and grace. The dolphin moves into water easily and promptly . It jumps and somersaults. All subjects in pool are toys for hem. And people - are partners in its game.

At this time our athlete, keeping in mind his marvellous rescue, has idolized a life-buoy. He tries to adhere life-buoy and to the old swimmer, and to a dolphin. And he already builds a raft on all pool in his dreams.


It is not required the big efforts for life in harmony with the World.

If there is a force and feeling of harmony the life is a cheerful, interesting game.

And if it is a continuous conflict and struggle against World around… any "athlete" will not stand such life. Unique rescue for people, which are not capable to feel and live in harmony are rules and laws.

But such "athletes " idolize laws. They try to invent universal laws. They try to impose their laws to all people (and not only). Especially they are religious figures who try to subordinate any step of the person to themselves "divine" laws.



When the situation is clear for us, it stands to reason, we do not invent rules (if we are not going to force to operate somebody as we want) - the situation is obvious.

When the situation is not obvious, we build its simplified model (speculatively), and then we formulate rules and laws to it. And what a perfect model would be - it is the simplified model. It is limited as applied, so the  rules is also limited  as applied.

Our consciousness is self-perfecting continuously. That was not clear yesterday, today it becomes obviously. Old models and rules lose their actuality and die off. But process knowledge of the World is going on, we meet with incomprehensible again and again, we invent models and rules again and again. It is naturally. It is not naturally to idolize these models and rules.

Probably,  our consciousness will pass on  new level to any moment, and we shall not invent  model and a rule any more. Who knows?...  What  will it be?...



When we enjoy fine music we do not have problems to find out a false sound. We don't require  models and rules for detection of a false sound or complex mathematical constructions for it. It is simply shrewd our ear. We notice this disharmony at once, "instantly".  We are also capable to feel harmony and disharmony in our life, but we use this opportunity  in all volume very rarely.

It is apparently, our mind is similar to the multivariate hologram reflecting in the structure the World surrounding us. The big stream of information from set of levels of life penetrate it. And it is similarly to the image from a holographic photographic plate in beams of the laser, our mind forms comprehension "instantly". Probably, the feeling of harmony is one of ways of display of result  interaction with  around World of our multivariate hologram of mind.

We live. We gain experience. The multivariate hologram of our mind grows in volume and its structure is made thinner. And if we have bad ear for music or  have no it,  we'll get  and  improve it in the long run time.

In any next qualitative leap, we can find out, it is possible to create a magnificent piece of music from "false" sounds (disharmonies). And it will be harmony of disharmonies.

We shall find out, all life is a harmony of disharmonies. Forces would suffice only to go through the next local disharmony...


It is style of life to live by rules, in harmony or without these - it is style of a life. It is not desirable to confuse style of a life with the purpose of a life.