Alexander A.Shpilman ( )


Some effects

Here are some results of the observations which we saw in the experiments with the imitator of "the place of power" IPP-2 which is described in the article "Èìèòàòîð "ìåñòà ñèëû" IPP-2The Imitator of the place of power".


Mila Dvoretskaya ( ): wrote about her observation for B., 51 years old, who suffers from alcoholism for about 25 years. He was treated repeatedly by many methods, which are only possible. He has short-term remissions, and every year they are getting shorter. At present he has refused from any treatment because of inefficiency. He only takes the detoxification after the period of hard drinking. Last time the interval between hard drinkings was a week. He is married, has a son whom he really loves, works.

B. asked for the help himself – he got really tired of hard drinkings and wanted a normal life, but did not know what else to try. However when "the imitator of the place of power" appeared at his mom’s apartment, he refused to take it. Before every of his visits (he comes to see his mom every day) mother secretly cleansed the room, and once he stayed in the room with the working "imitator of the place of power". He said that felt nothing; however after five days of such "secret influence" he took the device home.

Effects are written down from B.’s words, he doesn’t like to tell in details, so the notices are short.

The first day

They have processed the entire apartment except the room of B.’s wife - she refused referring to her disbelief. He felt nothing, except for a smell of potassium permanganate from the working imitator. His cat was raging - hissed, scratched, her hair stood on end and she didn’t approach "the imitator of the place of power". The wife left her room only for aspirin – she had a bad headache.

The second day

B.’s face got brightened up, it is possible to see some clean light in his eyes, and the eyes expression is intelligent. He processes the room in the morning and in the evening but he does not admit any effects. He started a talk with me about trying vodka received from water with the help of the generator of "axion fields ". He even showed a desire to buy such a model of the generator. His son, looking at father, processed his room one more time. It seems to me they both felt something. The cat continued to rage and his wife continued to have a headache.

The third day

B.’s eyes shine, he is really vigorous, speaks on intellectual themes with pleasure, gives many new ideas. The face is light. He himself started a talk about the effects of "the imitator of the place of power" – he wanted to tell about his feelings. But it was difficult for him to say what exactly he felt. He explained only, that after a session he had no desire to smoke, the same feelings his son had. His son smokes a little, but B. smokes two packs a day. The cat calmed down – she had no reaction on working "imitator of the place of power". His wife is still having a headache.

The fourth and the fifth days

On a question whether "the imitator of the place of power" helps, B. answered (on the fifth day) that yes. He did not speak about the details. He does not drink judging by appearance and reactions. His son in mom’s absence processed her room, after that their relations wonderfully adjusted. Usually she tries to spend time somewhere outside, but now she cooked, communicates with her son and the husband in a very friendly way (that is a rarity). The cat calmed down -- reacts normally to the working device.

The week after the beginning of tests

B. moved down on 150 gramms of vodka in the evenings, after that he went to bed. But in the morning he doesn’t drink – no wish. Nobody noticed that he had started to drink – B. looked well and behaved normally. He had been drinking for 150 grammas for a week. Usually such variant is not possible – as soon as he tried vodka, he could not stop increasing the dose.  But now he could remain on small doses for the whole week. Though the atmosphere around him was very intense and would require an active "relaxation" – the company was moving to a new office and it had financial difficulties.

The second week

He got into the hard drinking and didn’t come to work – he was cleaned with the help of an expert in narcology. His son periodically turns on "the imitator of the place of power" in his room. After the session in the morning the fellow does not smoke almost all the day. B. lowered the number of cigarettes from two packs in a day to one pack. He was cleaned from hard drinking period for three days.


Tests with another "imitator of the place of power"

B. changed the device for another one surprisingly easily – he said that it had good effect on him and wanted to continue experiments. Some unusual things started occur with him after three days from the beginning of a new series of the experiments. After the evening processing of the apartment at night he clearly felt the cat softly walk along his blanket and place herself near to him. The first night he was very surprised  when  he didn’t found the cat several minutes later on the bed, but he thought that he hadn’t felt her leaving (he did not open the eye when the cat was placing herself near him). But two following nights he checked her at once and to his great surprise he saw that there was anybody on the blanket. He seems more interested what is happening to him than scared. But he asked for advice – he wanted to know what to do and how to behave. When B. heard, that everything was normal, he was very glad.

B. has changed very much. Before that he was a bundle of nerves for several years. It was hardly possible to talk with, everybody had to catch the right second when he was able to listen to another person and react normally. Everybody was looking for his mood and the right situation for communication. Now he easily perceives any information, he does not shout and does not clap doors. Moreover, he got a desire to communicate with other people - he calls by phone, ask to come to see them (nobody invites him because earlier he always refused any invitations). I understand it as an exit from long-term depression. When I have depressive mood (thank God, it happens seldom) I do not have any opportunity to speak with someone or go to see them too. Probably, he was in depression for many years (even for decades) and now he is returning to life.

Besides that after coming out of a hard drinking period B. usually was so nervous, that it was possible to see a haze around him with red and violet colors. I tried even not to approach him on such days. After 2-3 days he left this condition, but necessarily through shouting at someone. After the work with "the imitator of the place of power" B. appeared at work being quiet!!!!! To tell the truth, if to compare him to a normal condition, he was a little bit delayed, but there were not any haze around him.

It became fresh around of him in general - there is no stuffiness, heaviness, threat of danger or suspiciousness. The general situation around (in the firm) is far from normal, but he doesn’t lose his temper and perceives everything calmly. B.’s old mom is especially shocked by changes - he exhausted her most of all with his bad mood and temper.

The cat had unusual reaction to the new device. If she was afraid of the first one for three days, with this generator she behaved totally different. She placed herself in front of it on the floor and started to turn over on the back – she was enjoying it.



(Tests with the first "imitator of the place of power")

I have a pupil – he has English lessons at school for the second year, but he could not even read. He has lessons with me on Saturdays. One week I have processed the room with the generator just before his arrival. To my surprise the boy learnt one lesson just fine, and we begun a second one (usually he can hardly learn even one lesson). But the next week (when I did not process the room with "the imitator of the place of power") the boy did not move on a lesson - we worked with the lesson which we had started the Saturday before.

Another pupil is also "heavy" – it takes him big work to learn language. In addition he seems to be put the blame for not being an excellent student in his family – they all have great minds and a lot of success in life. But with this boy «the nature decided to have a rest» concerning mental abilities. He is very critical to himself, «I can’t even read in English (that is not true)” or “Today all the lesson we will check the words again, won’t we? (this happens sometimes)». He had his lessons in the processed by "the imitator of the place of power" room two times. At the first lesson worked in the better temp. And after the lesson he… refused to leave my place! Someone usually comes to take him home on the car, but I do not let the child out until I do not see out of the window that he is waited. That time he said that anybody was waited for him outdoors, sat down on the sofa and was just sitting for forty minutes there! All this time his daddy was in the car waiting for him!  The second time he again "didn’t see" that someone came for him, and the child was playing with my son for about 40 minutes. And this tendency remains by now – he warns me beforehand, that this day he will be taken from my place later or does not see that their car is under my windows. And the last time I felt really sorry for him – he settled down on my sofa when the next student (a girl of his age) told, that his mom was waiting for him in the car. He sighed heavily and got up very slowly – the boy didn’t want to leave me.

The girl of 17 years old got interested in the device herself and asked to turn it on. She took a session for 10 minutes. He said that she felt nothing. I asked her to observe herself during the day. The next lesson she told that nothing special occurred that day. But her attitude to a problem she had changed. To her surprise she found out, that there was nothing terrible. The problem was and what? It will pass by some day!

The pupil of 16 years old with very good abilities to English got interested in the device himself and asked to turn it on. He took the session for 10 minutes. He said that he felt something porous, granular and little bit slippery, coming from "the imitator of the place of power". The radiation was pleasant for him and had benevolent color.

Tests with the second "imitator of the place of power"

First of all I began to work with two problematic pupils with a new (stronger) "imitator of the place of power". The tests have some inconsistent results. Those two “heavy” boys I had written about and who showed better results with the first generator got into some stupor (the irradiation of the room was carried out right before the lessons with them). The other time I tried to irradiate the room not before their arrival but a bit earlier. It seemed to gives some effect – they work a bit more active. By the way, mom of that boy who didn’t want to leave me came upstairs and talked to me. She said that he was ALWAYS waited downstairs and I should send him out in spite of ANY of his words.




Hm, it seems to me Mila found rather unusual application of "the imitators of the place of power" here.


Thematic Contents


You can buy the imitator of a "place power" IPP-2

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