Mila Droretskaya ( )


Clearing an apartment
with the help of the charged chalcedonic rods

At last this event has happened: I found a suitable apartment and moved! However the new habitation perceived me aggressively enough. For example, the first night after moving (it had finished at 9 p.m.) I almost did not sleep because of causeless vomiting. Next day I could not find a place for myself – everything was wrong, the rooms pressed on me and did not allow to stay at one place for a long time. Accordingly, I could not finish anything of numerous businesses. Several next nights I had annoying and obnoxious dreams. For me it is the same like nightmares. Usually at nights I enjoy felicity, being immersed into the world of bright and fascinating adventures.

By Alex Shpilman's advice I decided to clean the rooms with the help of the chalcedonic rods. I started from my son’s room which is free for a while. I put one rod on an empty box in a corner of the room, and another rod I put on the similar box in another a corner on diagonal of the room. I placed a bucket with water in the middle of the room. And I closed the door. When it was necessary to enter the room for some things I clearly felt a taste of metal in the mouth, therefore I tried to not stay in the room for a long time. And when a day later I entered the room to remove the rods, there was a sensation, that the room had been aired at last. It was breathed easily in it, and I felt joy in the soul.

The next day I cleaned my study. I had to stay in the room for some time while it was being cleaned and there was a sensation of hair’s moving on the back of the head and some pressure (not a painful one) in the top of the head. I did not feel a taste of metal. A day later I decided  to remove a bucket with water. That day cold water in the whole building was disconnected but I didn’t keep any water in the house. I thought, that I could have used this water in the economic purposes, but suddenly I got a sensation of such dirty, that I immediately poured out all this water...

I was going to clean a sitting room, but there was someone constantly in it because of the  repair work. But a couple of days later I understood, that it was not necessary to do it. An atmosphere in the apartment improved, I got a sensation of unification with my new residence and high capacity for work. It was breathed easily and pleasantly in all the rooms. My night dreams became more pleasant.

Thematic Contents


You can buy a complete set of charged objects of "places power" (Cylinders and balls from the sard, chalcedony, icy quartz or jade) with a shielding case.

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