Mila Dvoretskaya ( )


To inhale the odour of mountain air


I have installed a new picture on the computer screen (the Alps mountains and shabby, but very picturesque, small house at the bottom of them). My 8-years old son wanted very much to find himself there. I told that there was not anything impossible and offered him to take a walk on the meadow in order to touch the old wooden walls of the house, to inhale the odour of mountain air, to experience the touching of light breath to his face. He had made it, and then told, that he entered the house.

-How many rooms are there?

-One. And in the room …

I got a thought "An old man".

-An old lady. And a girl.

I clearly saw the blond head with two plaits.

-The girl has the red hair. She is going to the attic, there are the old broken toys …

I saw the broken chairs and I told Slava about it, he confirmed:

-Yes, there is also the broken furniture. And there are two ancient chests. The girl is opening one of them and taking out a book …

-What is its cover? (I saw a black leather interlacing).

-Brown. And she appears in a fairy tale …

-Can you describe her hairdress? (I saw she had two plaits being a bit below than her shoulders).

-Two plaits. Such length (Slava shows on the shoulders by his hand) ….


It is interesting, what is it? Are they just funny tricks? Whether the rich imagination of my son was overlapped on mine, which is not less rich at all? Or what? …