Miroslav Provod ( centrum1@ipnet.cz )

Megalithic Culture

Nan Madol are ruins of unknown age in Pacific ocean, at Ponape island. Ponape and surrounding islands fill an area of only 347 square kilometers. The Nan Madol ruins are surprisingly large, the buildings consists of six octagonal basalt columns (allegedly 400 000 pieces), transported from a distance of more than 15 miles. They almost surpass the blocks of Cheopsus‘ pyramid in their size and weight. Some walls are over ten meters high. Majority of the structure, however, does not stand on land, many walls and channels project into the sea surrounding the buildings. Openings in the ground lead to underground spaces.

It is difficult to find a reason for building this structure, it was built on an uninhabitable island and does not have any of the known characteristic signs which would tell us the purpose it was built for. In connection with findings of our research, we present a hypothesis about possible use of the structure. The Ponape island has a very energetically interesting site, where energy zones with large power crossed. The island, however, does not have suitable conditions for inhabiting it, so the energy had to be channeled into another location. For this purpose, an individual P-charge in a large mass of stone elements was built at the location of the energy zone crossing. The spacing between the energetical components of the P-charge could be regulated by the building’s mass. This enabled the energy from Ponape island to be used at other islands as well. The ruins at Ponape island have the same purpose as all other structures of megalithic culture, from menhirs, through earth mounds, to the pyramids – to accumulate cosmic energy for its additional use in the energy particles of moving water.

The Ponape structure is unique in its way, because two energy sources were used there. Besides the energy zone, the structure’s mass obtains additional energy from sea surf, breaking on its part projected into the sea. It can be deducted from the fact that for using only the energy of the surf, the structure could have been built on another, inhabited island. Large mass of transported stone blocks also poses the question of why the original rock shore could not be used for the same purpose. The reason probably was that if the natural stone was used, the energy would be transmitted into the Earth and could not create an individual P-charge. Professional literature lists many natural materials which were used to insulate some megalithic structures from the rock base. In San Lorenzo’s artificial water tanks, where water was used to accumulate energy, “prefabricated” blocks made of lava were used to insulate the structure from the rock base. Artificial earth mounds and barrows were insulated from solid rock by layers of earth or organic materials. Some megalithic structures were built directly on base rock. In these cases, we presume that the energetic gain exceeded the loss and insulation was needed.

Laos and the "Stone jugs" mystery

Two hundred kilometres off the Laos' capitol Vientiane, on the Xieng Khoang highland, the so-called "Stone Jug Plain" is located. Hundreds of high (some even three meters high) jars lie about here, spread on a large territory. Their origin goes as far back as the younger stone age. Until now, the highland has not been searched. Andreas Reinecke of the German Archaelogical Institute in Bonn calls attention to the fact that the mysterious jars are not made of clay, as many encyclopaedias claim, but that they are carved from sandstone. Making and transport of individual jars (some of them weigh more than ten tons) would need a performance comparable with the performance of people who, in the younger stone age on the north of Europe, built constructions of gigantic stones.

Only readers who have been acquinted with the previous materials (which I had dispatched earlier) will be able to understand the following text. In case someone has not received them, I'm ready to send it to him/her.

From the view-point of the charge interactions, the gigantic jug is a menhir. It is located into the energetic component of the water flow and, as well as the other menhirs, accumulates energy in its mass. When we increase its mass with filling it with water we also increase the quantity of the energy accummulated. Two or more jugs standing next to each other so that their energy spaces overlay create a bigger common charge with common energy components. Thus, a jug group creates one common charge. The same rule is valid also for groups of jugs; by increasing the energy spaces (by pouring water into jugs), the whole plain with many groups may create one big common charge. The Jug Plain may be called menhir with controllable charge.

Menhir with charge regulation on the Jug Plain is not unique. In San Lorenzo, the area of clay raths and artificial lakes, there is also a menhir whose charge may be regulated, even in two ways. The regulation may be carried out either by the quantity of water flowing in the water channels located under the area or by discharging and filling water pools.

Another menhir with a controllable charge is the Stonehenge circular construction. The Stonehenge mass' charge may be increased with the charge of fire. Inside the circular construction, there were 56 pits of one metre in diameter in which fires used to be made. Fire, as well as other chemical reactions, makes a charge which, through its energy components, may hand over its energy to another charge. Energy transfer from the fire's charge into the stones' charge may also be easily proven experimentally. In this case it would be most convincing to make the experiment right on the spot. First, the energy space of the construction has to be marked. Then is it necessary to kindle 56 fires 1 m in diameter in the places of the pits filled in, and to monitor increasing the energy space of the construction in some time intervals. In the course of the experiment, it is necessary to count with the fact that stone and fire have a common charge. It could be equally interesting to monitor the length of the period the construction's mass will be losing its energy acquired.

It is not known why the megalitic-culture people felt a need to manipulate with the mass' energy and how they used it, but demanding energy constructions suggest that they must have had a serious reason for it. In case anyone is interested in verifying the menhire hypotheses on the Stone Jug Plain he/she need not, for this purpose, pour water into jugs in Laos. Menhirs in the jug shape may, in smaller scale, be substituted with stone of approx. 30 kg weight and non-metal jars with 10 litres of water in (in jugs, it is the rough ratio of the stone mass to the water mass). The stone alone will represent the empty jug, the stone on which the jar with water stands will represent a jug filled with water. We will find the brook's energy layer and may start experimenting. I should remind you that several hours' time is necessary for the energy to transfer from the brook's energy layer to the stone's charge as well as to the water's charge.

In a similar way, in smaller scale, function may be experimentally verified of the regulated menhir that is represented by an area of clay raths and lakes in San Lorenzo, and charging the Stonehenge construction with the fire's charge. I do not mean we should build a small model of the circular construction, one bigger stone will do provided we are able to carry it near to an open fire.


The lines, pictograms, and water channels on the Nazca Plain are more mysterious and enigmatic than other megalithic structures. Encoded in the Nazca Plain lines is an advanced technical standard of a people with a megalithic culture. As we know from our empirical research, similar lines can be visualized at any place on any land of the Earth. In fact, the lines are energy zones of ocean currents, terrestrial water streams and other P-charges. A relation between the lines and channels built under the Plain can also easily be proven. Controllable water flow in the underground channels generated independent P-charge. Its energy components had crossed the lines or induced larger intervals between the lines. This phenomenon represented a connection of energy components in both cases.

The Nazca Plain is an invaluable monument which should be preserved undamaged for future generations. There is no other place in the world with such a record of energy components in their purest natural form, which is optimal for all life on Earth. High-voltage and very high-voltage power pylons that produce the same energy as and interact with the water streams affected the natural balance of energy. I don’t doubt that we will learn to use the cosmic energy as people in the past did. The energy zones on the Nazca Plain can serve as a standard for our handling of energy to avoid the same mistake in the opposite direction.

Mrs. Reich asserts that the drawings of animals were not scraped at random but they appeared under a certain scheme of intersections of more straight lines. In that time, only one monkey, one spider, one whale, one dog, one lizard, but more than twenty pictures of birds existed. The above-mentioned pictures are likely to illustrate symbolically different energy values of the energy zone (lines) intersections.

The controllable energy system of the Nazca Plain can be evaluated as the peak epoch of menhir-work development. The individually erected stones, dolmens, circular structures, pyramids, clay mounds, and other energy structures had a constant P-charge. The initial attempt to regulate the P-charge was probably carried out at the Plain of Pitchers. The second controlled menhir, technically much more advanced, was built in San Lorenzo. The Nazca Plain energy system had no need to accumulate energy in a mass. The P-charges of the underground channels had directly connected energy zones of the remote P-charges, creating a zone intersection with a higher energy value.

I believe that it could be very instructive to define energy zones in a large 100,000 square meters area, such as the Nazca Plain. The energy inter-zones code would reliably identify a direction of the P-charge relevant for the respective zone. The energy zones might not be difficult to identify since they are mimicking the routes of the P-charges. During the experiments we could control the energy zones like the Nazca Plain people in primeval times did, using regulated water flow in the underground channels. We wouldn't have to construct underground channels. The water stream P-charges could easily be replaced with the P-charges of civilization. We could monitor a transfer of energy from the energy zone to the mass of the rock or clay, or onto another mass in the selected trial area. The interesting part would also be the monitoring of changes in the human body's charge when being in different energy zones with various energy values. The energy zones intervals enable us to distinguish between the natural and civilization P-charges. Experience obtained in this trial area could be used for searching energy zones that megalithic structures were oriented to. I believe that handling the P-charge of the rock or other mass could bring answers to many unexplained phenomena.

If any institution shows an interest in carrying out the experiment I will first let its specialists know about the natural and civilization P-charges, their energy components and mutual interactions. The acquired knowledge could be used as a basis for the determining of subsequent procedures.