
Some effects


Ming Jones ( ):

I saw after one treatment COMFORT-8R what you mean when you say it’s not a magic wand, but I want to reassure you that your machine has found its way to responsible and healing hands.

The following are some of our observations and some thoughts about the comfort COMFORT-8L, as well as a request to purchase some more of your devices.

In my own experience, I used the device about four times. First time 5 minutes intuitively placed around my body. After an hour or two I had a realisation. In previous years I had felt a growing sense of emotional discomfort (perhaps since early childhood), dread and fear that I could not define or understand why I was feeling it, or how to remove it. But my use of the comfort device had taken away this nagging feeling of unease, and it never came back. It seemed to me that the removal of this old energy created a space, and a potential for new present day energy to come into my structure, giving me new possibilities, connections, and materials to create with. I also noticed after a ‘treatment’ that in my interactions with people, they seemed more open to inviting me into their life, and more willing to involve themselves in my life.

My friend and associate Richard, used the device for considerably longer before reading an article on how to use the device more effectively. He did not notice any negative side effect. Of all the people he has allowed to try the comfort (about thirty people is my informed guess), only one man seemed to have a negative reaction. I believe he is alright now. I believe everyone else had a positive reaction to the device. Richard noticed that when he used generator in cafe’s, on the building structure or just cleaning the air, the cafe would be filled with an influx of fresh customers. Are people being subconsciously attracted to the energetically cleared space, or is it just a coincidence, or is there a better explanation?

It has been observed by several people, that when a musical instrument like an acoustic guitar is treated with the device, the tonal quality of the instrument is enhanced, the vibration of the string can be felt more strongly.


Dmitriy K. :

I had decided to taste separately every set of sticks charged in “Places of Power”. It is possible to say that my aim was an attempt to compare each set in their effects and properties.

I entered into a quite deep state of trance and I used the kits of sticks one after another.


Set – Label without the color band.

I had held the sticks in the left and right hands for 5 minutes.

Physical sensation

After first minute: in left arm (more sensitive) – light pricking which looked like the shivers dispersing from the finger tips and further along the hand. In the right arm – warmth was not in the palm, but from above the hand.

There were no changes during 5 minutes. I felt the same sensations, although I tried to disperse these feelings father along the body, but everything met the wall. It was impossible to disperse father along the shoulder neither in the left hand nor in the right hand, although I had made it without any efforts before.

Emotional sensations

I had decided to taste separately each set of sticks charged in “Places of Power”. It was possible to say that the aim was the attempt to compare each kit in its efforts and properties.

I entered in a quite deep state of trance and I used the sets of sticks one after another.


Kit-Label without the color band

The sticks in the right and left hand were during 5 minutes.


Physical sensations

After the first minute: in left arm (more sensitive) – light pricking which looked like the shivers dispersing from the finger tips and further along the hand. In the right arm – warmth was not in the palm, but from above the hand.

There were no practically changes during 5 minutes. I felt the same sensations, although I tried to disperse these feelings father along the body, but everything met the wall. It was impossible to disperse father along the shoulder neither in the left hand nor in the right hand, although I had made it without the efforts before.

Emotional sensations

It seemed more complex to me to control the emotions literally after the first minute, although I would say that it is impossible. It was impression that it had somehow to slave to myself in a new way and I had already not noticed it for 5 years. It seemed in some moment that I synthetically had to keep myself during the trance.

Break – 15 minutes.

Kit- Label with the blue band

The sticks in the right and left hand were during 5 minutes.

The feeling had been appeared when I touched the sticks.

Physical sensations

Left arm – I had such a feeling that I quasi touched to some vibrating device. The small vibration looks like the hum of wires. But it seemed to me that everything was comfort. Right arm – other sensations. The feeling that the diameter of this stick has become as minimum twice larger and the flow of warmth was flowing on each sides from their faces' ends.

All these feelings continued only five minute.

Emotional sensations

It seemed that this set of sticks gave the feelings that it was possible to control very easily. From the first moment I could do easily with all new sensations everything what I wanted: strengthen in my hands and, on the contrary, remove, drive them along all my body and even connect the feelings of the right and left hand. As a result, it was a very pleasant sense in my body. They resembled the easy tickling with very nice waves.

Kit – Label with the yellow band

The sticks in the right and left hand were during 10 minutes.

The feelings had been appeared with the moment of contact to the sticks.

Physical sensations:

In the left and right hand – the feelings were equal. They resembled the kit with the blue band, but the action had been seemed more intensive. It was a very perceivable vibration as if I touched my hand to some vibrating device (as refrigerator, for example, when it buzzes) or similar to the hum of wires. But this sense and vibration had been appeared at once in my head and flied asunder along all body.

Emotional sensations:

It seemed that I found myself on the table with the vibratory massager, but the massage was made on the separate district, but each cell of my body. It is possible to say that the feeling had simply paralyzed everything. It was very hard to stop and I would like to continue. But I didn't risk keeping them longer. After the completion – excellent state of ease and weightlessness.

Considering so excellent state I decided to continue my meditations leaving alone my sticks.

And the most interesting things had been begun here. The strange circumstances had become to occur with the sticks after the completion of classes in 30-40 minutes.

I practically lost all my opportunities in general to control my state in the modified state of consciousness, i.e. everything had turned into some uncontrollable element, quite uncontrollable one.

I tried at least somehow to calm down everything, but it had not practically been a result.

It was such an impression that the brain was turned off and some other pieces were switched on, which it was adjusted in principle only for the revision of expressions as in the cinema.

It came up to that moment that I moved to the floor from the chair and lied on the floor in some unnatural position I had hardly got out of this state. And, possibly, it was not me to get out. It was without my assistance, i.e. some moment had become when some switch had snapped into action and everything had become so clean and clear. My abilities had seemed for me are bigger ten times. The sense of euphoria and pleasure had appeared.

Frankly speaking, giving back my own “tools” I had been frightened if everything worked as before in my head and I decided a little to remember my old exercises.

For some reason I would like to check my old opportunities with the temperature of body. I had trained with the temperature change in the body and I was amazed with the readings of thermometer.

I had been able to change the temperature of my body +/-1 maximum degree before. And what I received now it was unexpected for me – I could increase the temperature of 36.8 to nearly 39 degrees and decrease it to 35.9!!!

I couldn't have achieved such temperature before. The exercises were seemed more easily and without any inconveniences, although I had not felt so well after such experiments during an hour and a half after it before.

In general, it is possible to mention that the significant effect has been noticed from the usage of the charged elements. I will study what effect it is. The sticks with the label of the yellow color are seemed for me more intensive although it is possible it is only the result from the effect of previous kits which can sum during the experiment of the last kit.



Thematic Contents


You can buy a complete set of charged objects of "places power" with a shielding case.

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