
International scientific conference "Torsion fields and informational interactions - 2009"


Dear colleagues!


International scientific conference "Torsion fields and informational interactions - 2009" will be held in Sochi, Russia 25-29 August 2009.


Topics of the Conference:


·        Super-weak informational interactions

·        Torsion fields and effects of spinning mass

·        Geopathogenic zones and protection against these

·        Non-local effects in macro-scale

·        Non-traditional technologies

·        Philosophy of science of XXI century


We hope that Conference will integrate efforts of researchers and will assist the scientific progress in these areas.


Work of the Conference will include reports and discussions. It is possible also to demonstrate the technologies.


Materials of reports will make Proceedings of the Conference. Recommendations of paper formatting are attached to this letter and available by address:


Please send request for participation and articles to proceedings till 15 June 2009 to


Working languages of Conference are Russian and English.


Organizational fee will be 500 to 1000 rub, we will inform of exact sum in the next informational letter. This sum will include proceedings of Conference. Free online-version of proceedings is to be issued after Conference.


Place of the Conference: Sochi, Hosta, Octyabrya Street, 25, cinema "Luch" (square near the Station Hosta).


We recommend to book apartments till one month to Conference or earlier, when tickets will be bought. Contacts to book apartments in Sochi:


Supporters of the Conference:

·        Russian Academy Of Natural Sciences

·        International Academy of Bioenergetics’ Technologies

·        Cuban State Technical University

·        Ufa State Aviation Technical University

·        State Rocket Center "KB named after academician V.P.Makeev"

·        Institute for Physics of Vacuum

·        The “UkraineOpen International University Of Human Development

·        "Light-2", Russia

·        "Spinor international", Ukraine

·        "Sarl Tellus", France

·        "Paramed", Poland

·        "Equator", Russia

·        "Second physics", Russia


Program committee:

·        Doctor Gennady Shipov, academician of RANS

·        Doctor Andrey Malenkov, honorary vice-president of RANS

·        Doctor Gennady Dulnev, honored worker of science and technology of Russia

·        Doctor Andrey Bobrov

·        Doctor Andrey Poletaev

·        Doctor Anatoly Pavlenko, academician of IABET

·        Doctor Anatoly Kosov, academician of IABET

·        Doctor Vlad Zhigalov


Organizational committee:

·        Yury Kravchenko

·        Anatoly Pavlenko

·        Vlad Zhigalov


See you on the Conference!



Organizational committee,

15 April 2009