Alexander A.Shpilman ( )


The message of stars


Line of superlight speed of transfer of the information


We while need to be surprised, how the photon with length of a wave in thousand times of the greater of the sizes of atom contrives to be radiated and absorbed by the last as a complete particle. In quantum mechanics used to mathematical focus, have entered concept of wave function of probability (and on it have calmed down). And all because of that that were frightened to enter конецформыначалоформыfaster than light speeds in micro-scales, and without it preservation of integrity of elementary particles will fail a physical picture.

In " What is it "a dualism"? " the variant the decision of a problem of corpuscular-wave dualism of photons is offered, having assumed that a parameter dielectric permeability of physical vacuum:


ε = ε0(1+a* dW/dt)


W - density of EMF energy
dW/dt - speed of change
density of energy
a - coefficient of very small size

From this formula follows:

"On forward front electromagnetic (EMF) waves of a photon we have


dW/dt > 0



ε > ε0

ε is the more, than the speed of increase of energy concentration is more. Thus the speed of motion EM energy (V) less then speed of light (c) and it has some component toward the direction of center (the focussing is happening).

We have on the opposite side of EM wave’s front of a photon


dW/dt < 0



ε < ε0

ε is the less then there was a concentration of energy more. In this connection the speed of motion EM energy (V) is more then speed of light (c) and it has some component toward the direction to the center (the defocusing is happening)."


So the dense coherent stream of light, on idea, can feel interaction with the removed peripheral obstacle as something the whole.




This idea can be checked up as it is shown on Fig.1. Where in a quartz thin-walled tube 1 the monochromatic coherent stream of light 2 is distributed, equiphase lines 3 (lines along which the light stream is in one phase) which are orientated as is shown in figure.

If transfer of energy lengthways equiphase lines 3 is possible, that phase modulation of a light stream on an input of a quartz tube can be shown with an advancing on its output. It will not be «phase speed», but speed of transfer of the information along phase lines dependent on density of energy of a light stream.

The offered example is good for check of idea, but hardly has practical value in scales of the Earth. Superlight speeds are important for transfer of the information to space scales, where an optical fiber will not stretch, so for this case it is possible to suggest to use a monochromatic coherent ray of light of 1 ring section (see. Fig. 2), equiphase lines 2 which it is orientated as it is shown in figure. Way of distribution of a signal lengthways equiphase lines it is appreciable more than a way taking place a light beam, nevertheless it can be more advantageous. To tell the truth, probably, at switching on of such beam the distance between the transmitter and the receiver it will be overcome with usual light speed (all the same that making of a light optical fiber).

Naturally, to realize such variant difficultly. But probably advanced space civilizations a long time use this method of modulation of light of stars for dialogue in galactic scales. While we in the old manner try to hear them in a radio-frequency region.

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