Alexander Shpilman ( )


"Designing" the torsion generator



The torsion field – associates with rotation something therefore we take the electric motor (see Fig.1).





Then we think what to rotate? Any magic subject, for example, any crystal or a magnet is necessary. A crystal - where to find enough big? And then it will be necessary to cut out from it somehow something reminding a flywheel, moreover to fix on an axis of the engine … easier to take constant ring magnetize from electrodynamic loudspeakers. As  "torsion fans" already mentioned magnets.




So, the design of ours the torsion generator starts to appear (see Fig. 2).

To add such magic?

Aha, we shall add still it small - smaller-lesser ring magnets and we shall receive a "magic" pyramid (see Fig. 3).




What to add?

Eureka! Enthusiasts speak about enormous energy contained in " a zero point of vacuum " much. We shall place also a glass flask with vacuum on an axis of a pyramid. To search the glass blowers and to pump out air from a flask - a long time therefore we take a usual finger-type radio tube (see Fig. 4).




And then, on an axis of the device, nevertheless, we shall place a certain small crystal (see Fig. 5).




Now it are necessary to conclude all this in the case. Here too it is necessary to think up something magical. For example, to collect it from triangles or heptagons… – it is perhaps difficult. If, unless, similarly to a football to collect it from pentagons, well and to add again a pyramid.



So, it is natural magical, at us it has turned out the torsion generator similar mentioned in

It is possible to start experiments. And if you have enough belief positive result it will be necessary!

And if the result is not present, your belief means is weak! Means you gnaw doubts …



You like such way of designing?

Something not so?

But how should be?


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