Robert Molloy < >

The Foo Fighters Ove Sukhoi Log


Hello, my name is Lucky O’Molloy and I am a UFO writer. When I write I try to incorporate the five W’s: who, what, when, where and why. However, when dealing with UFO’s, there is no way to know who they are or why they are here. So in an effort to answer these questions, I endeavor to utilize standard ESP training.


Recently there have been rumors of UFO’s in the small town of Sukhoi Log. Apparently they have been leaving the equivalent of crop circles in the snow up there. These perfectly round snow circles first appeared in the playground of the kindergarten school. The largest of which was thirty meters in diameter and the rest were much smaller.


Since this incident the houses adjacent to the playground have been keeping a vigilant watch. To date, no one has seen or heard anything flying overhead. However, since then another snow circle has been left behind in the snow, by these nocturnal visitors.


Now that we know what happened, when and where. Let’s find out who they are, and why they are here. To do this I use the pendulum and tarot like an astronomer uses a little telescope mounted on a much larger telescope. I use the pendulum to zero in on what I am looking for and then I use the tarot to zoom in on that.


To begin, I use the pendulum to answer the following “Yes” or “No” questions:


1) Are these sightings real? “Yes”


2) Is there a difference between the Foo Fighters and the Energy Beings? “Yes”


3) Were these snow circles made by the Energy Beings? “No”


4) Were these snow circles made by the Foo Fighters? “Yes”


5) Are these snow circles the equivalent of the snow angles made by children in the snow? “Yes”


6) Are these really young Foo Fighters who are making these snow angles in the snow?  “No”


7) Are the Foo Fighters from this solar system? “No”


Note: This is a trick question. Foo Fighters are often equated with saint Elmo’s fire, which is ball lightning. Which begs the question, what if ball lightning was to last for a few million years, could it evolve a conciseness over the course of thirty thousand centuries? After all, our bodies are electrical in nature and our conciseness is too.


Does perception and indeed conspicuousness itself need a physical body to exist or could it evolve on a planet where storms rage for millions of years? A planet not so very far away; Hum. But I’ll leave that plaint for another paper. Back to the Foo Fighters.


8) Are the Foo Fighters from this galaxy?  “Yes”


9) Are they astral projectors? “Yes”


10) Do they live in water? “No”


11) Do they live on land? “Yes”


12) Are they really old, learning these abilities’ over the course of centuries? “Yes”


Now that I have learned all that I can from the pendulum, it’s time to connect the dots and fill in the blanks. For my first reading I will be using the Tree of Life method. After that I will be using a cabalistic cross variant which incorporates ten cards for the cross and the last four for the circle around it. Thereby creating a real cabalistic cross using a fourteen card spread to clarify the first card reading.


First Question: Please describe the nature of the beings leaving snow circles in Sukhoi Log?


Answer: These extraterrestrial tourists are from a world which embraces love, peace, luxury and vice. They are very sensual by nature and have very closely knit, strong family ties.


They are very much into Extra Sensory Perception. They have found the cure for old age and have developed their psychic abilities over the course of centuries.


They have separated themselves from the others seeking to explore the galaxy. They have been journeying from place to place in an effort to find their stairway to heaven. During the course of their journey they came to earth seeking enlightenment.


Because they witnessed the horrors of WWII. They are very apprehensive about humanity as a species. They too were from a world with violent strife and a fears battle for survival. But over the centuries they learned to live together in peace.


Second Question: Please clarify, will we be seeing more of the Foo Fighters from Sukhoi Log?


Answer: Yes, they are trying to contact us and they will be leaving more snow circles behind. Theirs is a very beautiful, enthusiastic and courageous species. They have a nature which is sudden to love or anger. They have been looking forward to bringing us messages of good tidings.


In the past there has been much prejudice, covertness and suspicious hindrances. Which have caused tension in relationships and setbacks in material affairs. However, they have an optimistic view of the future and are looking forward to communicating to us their messages of friendship and good tidings.


And so ends my psychic investigation of the Foo Fighters from Sukhoi Log. I hoped you enjoyed it. Thanks.


By Lucky O’Molloy