
Quansheng Ren ( )

Effect of Spin Polarization on the Ordered Water

Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Yin-Yang

Xian He, Yi Zhou, Xing Wen, Alexandr A.Shpilman, Quansheng Ren

Department of Electronics, Peking University, Beijing 100080, China

Department of Biology, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, China


Abstract: The exclusion zone (EZ) of water near the hydrophilic surface can exclude colloid suspension for a certain distance, which is typically several hundreds of micrometers, and approximates the size of the cells.

Previous studies have shown that the near-surface the EZ expands extensively in the presence of incident radiant energy, especially the infrared light. Developments of electromagnetic biology and quantum biology indicate that the spin magnetic moment may have a direct impact on the biological process.

In this article, a spintronic device, with a nickel-manganese ferrite rotator and spiral magnetic vector potential, was utilized to exert the influence on the EZ. Spin states in the nickel-manganese ferrite were polarized by two different chiral configurations…

(The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2018)


Conference program:

1. Ordered Water & Exclusion Zone (EZ)

2. Quantum AB Effect & Comfort-R/L Generator

3. Results: Chiral Symmetry Breaking

4. Interpretation: DSS elements, CISS, Yin-Yang


Century Exploration of a Centenarian


Gilbert Ning Ling

(1919.12.26 present)

Most of his thoughts in his later years were ignored by the academic community


1949: Gerard-Graham-Ling microelectrode

A device that can accurately measure the electrical potentials of living cells.

1962: A Physical Theory of the Living State

1984: In Search of the Physical Basis of Life

1992: A Revolution in the Physiology of the Living Cell

2001: Life at the Cell and Below-Cell Level

2014: What is Life Answered

Erwin Schrödinger, 1944: What is Life?


Structural Water and Physiological Revolution



Interface water properties

·            The fourth phase of water: between

liquid and ice, polarized-oriented

·            Hydrophilic interface: solvent stratification up to 400-500 layers

·            Hydrophobic interface: The structure

of the induced complex


Protein dominates cytoplasm

·            Hydrophobic part is in the core

·            Hydrophilic part is on the surface: Charge and polarity ->water layers

·             α-helix & β-sheet: Structural repeat period 7Å, 14Å ->2-7 water molecules


Largely structured water

·            Proteins are crowded inside the cell

·            Surface spacing between proteins: 6 water molecules

·            Structured water is difficult to freeze: Cold-tolerant plants < -15°C


Intra-and extracellular ions

·            Structured water is poor solvent

·            Sodium ions: rejected by the cytoplasm

·            Potassium ions: unusual attraction to negatively carboxyl groups

·             membrane pump theory is wrong


The fourth phase of water (Exclusion zone)




Hydrophilic surfaces: gel, monolayer of molecules, Nafion(proton exchange membrane).

Exclude colloid suspensions:100s of micrometers (Nafion)



More restricted molecules (NMR), more stable (infrared radiation is weak), negatively charged (microelectrode), absorb 270nm light (spectroscopy), more viscous (viscosity measurement), ordered arrangement (polarized microscope), different optical properties (refractive index)


Influence Factors: Electromagnetic Radiation

 Entire spectrum of visible light,

 Especially infrared 3100 nm


Supposed Mechanism:

Photoionisation-ejection of protons

Photoexcitation of ring hexamers


Other Factors:

Ultrasonic, …

Quantum effect?


Quantum Effect and Axion Fields

Comfort-R/L Generator



Electromagnetic Field:

Magnetic Vector Potential:

𝑩 = 𝛻 × 𝑨 (𝒓, 𝑡)

Electric Scalar Potential:



Without EM Field:

With EM Field :


Gauge Transformation:

For Vector Potential:

For Scalar Potential:


Schrödinger Equation (under EM)

After Gauge Transformation:

𝜓′ (𝒓, 𝑡) = 𝜓 (𝒓, 𝑡) 𝑒 𝑖𝑓( 𝒓,𝑡)


Additional phase factor


Aharonov-Bohm (AB) Effect


Quantum AB Effect

A quantum mechanical phenomenon in which an electrically charged particle is affected by an electromagnetic potential (𝑨,𝜙), despite being confined to a region in which both the magnetic field 𝑩and electric field 𝑬are zero




Spatial Distribution of Vector Potential

Magnetic Field is Imprisoned

Additional Phase Factor

The wave function obtains an additional phase factor when the solenoid passes current.


Impact on Interference

 The phase difference from A to B has changed

An overall movement of the interference fringes


Spin Aharonov-Bohm (AB) Effect


Spin Manipulation

Usually, the electron spin is only measured or manipulated through electromagnetic force, acting on its associated magnetic moment.

 Control electron’s spin

 By magnetic vector potential

 Quantum spin Hall insulator

 (Maciejkoet al., PRB 2010)



Quantum Spin AB Effect

Though there is no EM field acting on the electron, the electron spin can be controlled by magnetic vector potential.


Alexander A. Shpilman

A More Complicated Case



A particle-on-a-ring (POR) example which is a textbook case of AB effect.


A solenoid with a larger radius is utilized such that the ferrite ring can be placed inside the solenoid.


The solenoid (cylindrical coil) above-mentioned is further convolved using toroidal coils.

The electric potential generated by the silver and the vector potential generated by the coils can impact the wave functions and spins of the electrons and nuclei in the ferrite.



Phase shifts are introduced into the wave functions of particles due to 𝑨𝟎, though 𝑩=𝟎.


Internal Structure



1: Axis

2: Nickel-manganese ferrite ringlet

3: Silver reflector. Internal capacitor plate 100-120 V, 4.3-4.8 MHz

12: Dielectric film

11: Aluminum coat

4: Cylindrical coil, radial vector potential

6: Toroidal coils, axial vector potential

7: Iron shield; 9: toroidal coils; 15: electret film;

16: tinned copper plate




Operating Principle

Unidentified Elements (DSS, Dark Matter) in environment: Passive

Ferrite ring 2: Accumulates the Unidentified Elements

Electric field between 2 & 3:

Make elements active (-Qi)

Rotation and magnetic vector potential: Manipulating the wave potential: Manipulating the wave function of the elements


Right (Yin) Polarity



Toroidal coils

Magnetic field: Clockwise

Magnetic vector potential: Down & into the device

Cylindrical coil

Magnetic field: Down

Magnetic vector potential: Clockwise

Vector Potentials

Spiral / right


Ferrite rotation




Left (Yang) Polarity


Toroidal coils

Magnetic field: Clockwise

Magnetic vector potential: Down & into the device

Cylindrical coil

Magnetic field: Up

Magnetic vector potential: Anticlockwise

Vector Potentials

Spiral / left

Ferrite rotation




Experiments & Results Chiral Symmetry Breaking

Experiment Design 



Comfort R/L

Radiation from the side (15cm apart)






3cm x 1.6cm x 0.5cm, stuck on a glass slide


Du Pont Nafion-117 membrane with width 183μm, which is stuck to the left inner wall of the chamber by vaseline



Камера наполнена водной суспензией карбоксилатных микросфер длиной 2 микрона, которая будет убрана EZ фазой воды около Нафиона.




Зона элиминации

Область с зоной элиминации будет яркой под микроскопом Axio Imager M2,используя 20X объект


Nafion Preparation





Experiment 1

Simplest Configuration


Ferrite: Only rotation Capacitor: No voltage input Coils: No current input


Experimental Setting


00)   Control group

Without irradiation for 1h


01)  Exp. Setting 1

Irradiation from right, 1h

Sneeze setting: in the interval of 30-45 minutes, we utilize an inversely wired left polarized generator


02)  Exp. Setting 2

Irradiation from left, 1h


03)  Exp. Setting 3

Irradiation from lateral, 1h


04)  Exp. Setting 4

Head to tail inverted wrt Epx. 1





Results: Width of EZ



Because of other factors (infrared radiation)

The width of EZ at 15 minutes in different settings was not exactly same, but will be stabilized after 15 minutes, then was utilized to calculate the normalization measure.

In the following 45 minutes

The 1st experiment setting shows a clear growth slope, compared to other settings. Exp. 1 v.s. Exp. 4: a direction selectivity effect.

In the interval of 30-45 minutes

The slope is a little bit suppressed, due to the left polarized ferrite though it rotated in a right handed way. The left polarization effect of the ferrite still plays a role.










Experiment 1b

Without Ferrite Ring 


Only motor (will be heating after running for 15 minutes, then use another)



Rotating without ferrite ring: No effect.




Experiment 2

Plus Other Components


·            Control group: Without irradiation for 1h


·            Exp. 1: Rotation only


·            Exp. 2: +Silver reflector (Capacitor plate) 100-120V, 4.3-4.8MHz

·            Exp. 3: +Cylindrical and Toroidal coils





EZ is enlarged, compared with control test.

The electric field and magnetic vector potential seemed to promote the performance.













Experiment 3

Chiral Symmetry Breaking

 Full configuration


·           Control group: Without irradiation for 1h

·           Exp. 1: Right handed COMFORT-8L

·            Exp. 2: Left handed COMFORT-8L









The right polarized generator

Significantly facilitated the growth of EZ


The left polarized generator

Did not show any potentiation of growth.

In several experiments: It even showed a depression effect and while the left polarized generator was turned off, the EZ slowly recovered.



Chiral Symmetry Breaking


Unpaired electrons of two OH radicals:

Aligned (singlet):

· Anti-parallel (triplet):

Chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect, e.g. duplex DNA

Chiral water super-structure

 Electron's Spin & Molecular Chirality

Chiral interactions:


Homochiralinteraction (A): more stable

Heterochiral interaction (B):



Coils and Capacitor:


Spiral vector potential & electric potential.

Electromagnetic & spin AB effect:

Ferrite polarized Uid-Elements’ spin/wavefunction polarized (interact with/within water)



Possible Explanation


Chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect

Electron spin selectivity in water

Chiral interactions:

Layers grow



Неизвестные Элементы


·            Spin-polarized materials, Aharonov-Bohm effect

·            High-penetrating emission (Kernbach)

·            Torsion field -Phyton/Phiton (Akimov)

·            Axionfield -DSS elements (Shpilman) -Dark matter

·          “Qi” (Chinese philosophy of nature)



The last question: How to polarize the ferrite?


·            Polarized by the spiral magnetic vector potential of the generator for a month of intensive work

·            Put the ferrites in the geographical pointswith right/left polarized DSS elements for 3 hours


Workshop for Axion Field Research

(with Chinese-Russian translation)

Institute of Life Science and Technology (XinYi), LangFang

Dec 16th~17th,2018


Thematic Contents