
Some effects

H.C.P .: I was interested in the impact of IPP generators on the weather.

Approximately in 2006, was present at the demonstration and experiments with one of your instruments - from the photos on your site - similar to IPP-3 - on a round blue base. During the work, all the clouds over the site of the experiments disappeared in the diameter of several kilometers, and exactly above the house where the device was standing - a dense little cloud formed, from which the "mushroom" rain came, which ended some time after the device was turned off.

At that time, I was not particularly interested in this, and now, after a repeated observation of spraying and a nearly round-the-clock "white shroud" in the sky, preventing the sun's rays from reaching the ground, I remembered this effect again.

Until the 90's, this "flow" in the sky was not, I definitely remember it. And now - almost constantly, and as soon as it disappears - in the air planes appear, behind which stretches the white trace, gradually expanding and forming a new "veil". But even in these short moments of a clear sky, when the sun is visible - from it there is a "flow" of vital energy, which for a long time "recharges" the body. It turns out that the "place of power simulator" not only generates "strength", but also removes the factors that prevent the circulation of "power" from natural sources.


In this connection, the question arises: is it possible to make a modified version of the device, which will operate around the clock, possibly with reduced power, but will stand guard over the circulation of energy from natural sources, dissipate the "flow" and remove other negative factors?

As practice has shown - natural solar radiation "charges" the body very well, which becomes clearly noticeable in sharp contrasts with the prolonged presence of "veils". I suspect that even one solar radiation is enough to activate normal circulation of energy in the body and as a result - the normal operation of all systems, the feeling of "full charge". Therefore - the presence of a nearby "guardian" of natural sources of "power" is very important.

What do you think about it?

Что вы думаете по этому поводу?


The problem is that there is absolutely no control-measuring instrumentation. And in matters of global impact, in no case can you focus on subjective moments. So now it remains to use our instruments for purely individual, local scales.

The IPP generator makes a small amount of space comfortable for a person. And apparently it makes it easier for a person to show his abilities. For example, affect the weather. I.e., it is probably not the device for acting on the weather, which you implement your desire, though without realizing it.

Orthodox science seeks to eliminate the human factor in the experiment. In our case, this is very difficult to do. So the mere presence control-measuring instrumentation is clearly not enough.



Uriy S: Can you fully explain how IPP-4 works on the latest example?

On the Internet the spouse has laid out a photo of 10 things on sale which are small. Call, ask, bargain, but do not buy.

Three weeks later, the wife puts a jacket near places IPP-4 for 15 minutes a day are sold. After a couple of days, the second thing works the same way and the same sells in 1-2 days. Yesterday was sold-out. In the morning he puts 3 things in a row and treats with 30 minutes. At lunchtime they call and buy 2 in the evening, and they ask the third not to sell until Monday.

And not a single thing that was not in the field next to the device was not sold. By creating IPP4 you did not expect this effect to be obtained? :)

And this is not a self-hypnosis and definitely not a placebo or directional effect, because the whole country reads the ads.

However, the treated field IPP4 sold all, non-irradiated none!



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