Roger Taylor PhD. The Mu, Brook Lane, Albury, Guildford, UK < >


Studies On “Life-Energy” By Means Of A Quantitative Dowsing Method



Part III. Remote imprinting of torsion information, and frequency information, onto ormus atoms during their passage into Magnesium phosphate. Possible application for distant healing



Life energy (orgone, prana, chi, etc.) now finds a scientific account in terms of torsion theory (1). As a “twisting” strain on the fabric of space, torsion can be either right-handed (R-torsion) or left-handed (L-torsion).  Such an influence is generated by any rotation, from macroscopic down to elementary particles. Any material will thus have a torsion field arising from its constituent particles. However, so long as these movements are independent, such a field will be without coherence, and without specific information or biological influence. If they become correlated, on the other hand, there will be a decrease in entropy (or an increase in syntropy) and the torsion field will have a syntropic, or life-enhancing, effect on living organisms. This seems to make a potential account for Wilhem Reich's Life Energy, or Orgone.   Such coherence, however, may take up a great variety (near infinite in fact) of patterns. These can encode information of significance to the particular organism, and for human beings this can be healing information – either from a human healer, or from vibrational frequencies. All the evidence from research in healing and psychokinesis goes to show that most operators (other than the most accomplished healers, shamans and chi gung masters) are only able to maintain effective intention for short periods at a time. And vibrational frequencies can only be applied during limited therapy sessions. Thus it would be very useful to be able to encode such information into a device which could present it to the healee on a more continuous basis. 


Part III extends work reported previously (2, and here in Part I),  in which it was shown that the life-energy or syntropic field could be dowsed quantitatively, and in Part II which established the high affinity of Magnesium phosphate (MP) for ormus. It shows now that information can be transmitted non-locally, and stably imprinted onto ormus atoms during their passage into MP.




As a “twisting” strain on the fabric of space, torsion can be either right-handed (R-torsion) or left-handed (L-torsion). While these can both pass through most materials, including most metals (but not Aluminium),  they are absorbed, and their passage hindered, by materials whose molecules have a chiral structure. Thus sucrose solution blocks R-torsion and turpentine blocks L-torsion (see 1). To generate torsion with known chirality, I have used a small Russian device driven by a 12 volt motor (3). The rotor of such devices will put out R-torsion in one direction and L-torsion in the other. While mine is intended to put out R-torsion from the front, I found I could unscrew the thick plastic case, so exposing the back of the rotor, which puts out L-torsion.


This device was then used to imprint R- or L-torsion on crystals of Magnesium phosphate (MP) during their uptake of ormus. As described in Part II, I found that the ormus atoms, known to be present in relatively large quantity in Dead Sea salt (DSS), would migrate rapidly from a solution of the salt into these crystals. These then acquired a remarkably strong dowsable activity which was not present in the solution, or only very weakly in the original salt crystals. It is presumed that the ormus atoms arrange themselves in the crystal matrix (of MP, but not NaCl) in such a way as to favour overall quantum coherence – a Bose-Einstein conjugate. The initial procedure was to put the MP crystals under the torsion generator (TG), then add the salt solution, leave for about 10-15min, and then wash and dry the crystals on filter paper. (But see Addendum 1 for a further methodical refinement).


These crystals were then put into a hole in a piece of orgonite.  My favoured method now is to use carnauba wax, or a mixture of this with beeswax, since this was sensed by a healer as being more healthy than the toxic resin. In this case a plastic vial (~25ml), is used as mould. It is first packed tightly with steel wool (this packs better if first cut small with scissors) and then filled with the resin or wax mixture. Once the mix has hardened, a central hole (~6mm) is drilled, filled with the crystals, and sealed with more resin or wax. In this way one makes an easily-handled object which, moreover, is considerably more active than either the crystals alone, or the orgonite alone, or the sum of both. As described in Part II, such ormus-filled orgonites function very well to charge water with subtle energy. (But as I later realised, the energy from these has two parts: one from the ormus installed in it, and another from the sun. So, even if the ormus has only one chirality, the overall energy will include the other chirality derived from sunlight. This was verified by another experiment – not shown).


The method for remote transmission was based on a finding described in Part I (2). This brought evidence to show that the dowsable energy from orgonite could be transmitted non-locally using a pair of identical images. With one of these under the orgonite, its energy could be dowsed around the other at any distance – even over the Atlantic. According to conventional quantum theory, such “non-local entanglement” should not allow the transmission of informational signals. Since, however, torsion chirality is an item of information, it seemed to offer a way to test whether information can be transmitted.


The pair of images chosen for the remote experiment were those which had previously performed particularly well in the remote dowsing experiments – presumably because they were relatively unique, so that the influence was not too much “diluted” by similar images throughout the world – or the universe! One of these was placed under the TG (either front for R-torsion or back for L-torsion); and on the other, in a distant room, was placed about 50mg MP in a small dish (Fig. 1).  Some 30ml of 50% DSS was added, and left for ~15min.  Since this procedure clearly imprinted torsion information just as well as directly under the TG  (and, being pure information, avoids electromagnetic effects) this remote method was used in all subsequent experiments.





Effect of shielding        


It was necessary first to see how blocking R-or L-torsion affected the dowsing pattern. The charged, washed and dried crystals were put into a small glass tube, which was then immersed in jars of either turpentine or 20% sucrose before being dowsed. (Jar size selected to surround the tube with some 3cm of either fluid). Preliminary results are shown in Table 1.


Table 1


In sucrose

In turpentine

In Aluminium


R-torsion charged





L-torsion charged






As before the figures represent measured radius from the source of the innermost dowsable ring, in inches. Clearly the shielding works; and these results also demonstrate the capacity of Aluminium, unlike most metals, to block torsion fields.


Remote imprinting with torsion fields

This experiment was intended to test both the possibility of remote torsion imprinting, and the effect of shielding during the process of imprinting, at the remote site. In this case, in order to test effects on the UV spectrum, water was used as the medium to be imprinted.  One hundred millilitres of water, in a polythene bottle, was placed in the same (~500ml) jar used in the previous experiment, containing either turpentine or 20% sucrose. In order to minimise other environmental influences, and so optimise the transfer, the paper images were formed into cylinders, from two A4 sheets, to surround both the torsion beam, and the jar at the remote site. At intervals after switching on the torsion generator, the water bottle was removed, dowsed, and replaced in the shielding jar. The results (Fig. 2) indicate that after some 20 minutes the influence starts to penetrate the shield – which in this case was only ~2cm on either side of the water.  Thus the optimum time for this set-up should be about 20-25 minutes.



Spectroscopic confirmation of remote torsion transmission

Remote torsion-charging of water was carried out as in the experiment just described. But in this case (as that experiment later showed) the 1.5  hours allowed for charging would have been too long, since it would have allowed some penetration of the shield.  The water was then taken for UV spectroscopy. (During transport the bottles were shielded from each other by ~5cm expanded polystyrene). As in the first article, the instrument was first zeroed with plain water, so that any recorded absorbance represents a difference of the test samples from plain water. The results clearly show an effect of remote transmission of the torsion field. While the curves for water putatively shielded from R-torsion with sucrose (pink curve) and from L-torsion with turpentine (Light blue curve) are lower than the control (putatively unshielded) L-torsion with sucrose (yellow curve), they have obviously taken up some charge. [Data for the other control, R-torsion with turpentine shielding were lost].  As the later experiment showed, shorter exposure would probably have yielded greater differences. It is noteworthy that the unshielded control was as high as direct charging with orgonite for ~2h (reported in part I), which suggests that a maximum had been reached (Fig. 3).



Stability of the torsion imprint.

The imprints on two samples of ormus/mag.phos., one L- and the other R-torsion imprinted, were unaffected by storing 3 weeks, or by being sent by mail. The L-imprinted sample was then exposed remotely to a R-torsion field for 2 hours, again with no effect. Finally, since neutralising the earth's magnetic field is known to erase frequency information from water (4), the R-imprinted sample was put into a cast iron cooking pot and dowsed in sucrose or turpentine at intervals. See Fig. 4.



Thus the torsion imprint remains stable, both under normal conditions, and to remote exposure to the opposite chirality. On the other hand, blocking the earth's field appears to have erased the information of preferred chirality, while leaving the overall coherence and intensity of the syntropic field intact. In view of this result it seemed possible that the steel wool in my orgonite was similarly erasing information by blocking the earth's field. But after testing stability, during several days, of R-torsion of such crystals in a mass of steel wool (about double the thickness I normally use for orgonite) the imprint clearly remained stable.


Frequency imprinting

For this purpose I have used a small Rife instrument (5).  The leads, which would normally be connected to sticky contact pads, were connected to two metal plates. For non-local transmission a flat piece of orgonite was placed between these plates, and the whole surrounded by the cylinder of printed patterns (Fig. 5).



At maximum setting the instrument puts out about 36V, making an electrostatic field of about 12V/cm.  At the remote site, MagPhos crystals were placed in a flask, surrounded by another copy of the pattern (Fig. 6). After switching on the output, about 40-60ml 50% DSS was added to the flask. To ensure that all frequencies get a chance to be taken up (since the uptake of ormus is so rapid) the Rife was set to cycle repeatedly through all the selected frequencies, allowing only 5sec for each.  Although sine waves were used for this test, for therapeutic use square waves, with the very sharp rise time of which this machine is capable, are likely to be more effective.



Three samples were prepared, with either five, or one, or no frequencies applied. These were dowsed blind by Dr Cyril Smith by his method described in (4). Results from the 5-frequency sample showed a remarkable correspondence (Fig 7).




It is clear that the sucrose solution shielded the energy from the Ormus/MagPhos imprinted with R-torsion, but left the energy from that imprinted with L-torsion unaffected, and vice-versa for turpentine. This would enable a signal to be encoded in L- and R-torsion, and picked up at a remote site by a dowser, so confirming that information can be transmitted non-locally.  More objective confirmation came from UV spectroscopy of water charged remotely with L- or R-torsion.


More important, however, is the potential for healing which this result seems to offer, since it could enable the storage of healing intention. As previously mentioned, healing intention can usually be maintained only for short periods. With this method, however, the healer could focus intention on the healee (or remotely on a photograph) while the DSS is poured onto the Mag. Phos. crystals, and would only need to maintain healing intention for a few minutes. Once this has been done, the crystals would be incorporated into a piece of orgonite. This could be sent to the healee, who would use it to charge all drinking water - including tea and coffee, since the charge in water is stable to boiling. Alternatively, the healing bomb could be used in a more conventional radionic mode by placing it on the healee's photo or other witness (Fig. 8).



In this way one might enable a single short healing session to exert a continuous effect for an indefinite period. Such an idea has of course long been used in radionics. According to Karl Welz, from whose web-site Fig. 9 is copied (6), any healing or radionics requires the syntropic field of the operator, but the role of orgonite is to greatly enhance this field.



 But the method described here could provide a more scientifically-acceptable rationale, and may well be more effective. A particular feature is the option of sending specific frequencies.  It could also readily be adapted to send  homeopathic information - using one of the computerised bio-resonance methods, which have such information digitally encoded on the disk. 




1.      Swanson, Claude. Life Force: the Scientific Basis. 2009, 2010. Poseida Press, Tucson AZ.

2.      Taylor Roger. Studies on "Life Energy"  by means of a Quantitative Dowsing Method and Nexus 14, (2) 35-40, 2007.

3.      Shpilman, A.

4.      Smith, CW. (1994) Electromagnetic and Magnetic Vector Potential Bio-Information and Water. In: Endler PC, Schulte J (Eds.). Ultra High Dilution: Physiology and Physics. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 187-202.




Addendum 1


I have been noticing that, during a long imprinting process, the quantity of Mag Phos was decreasing. Then occurred to me that, at the very high concentration of DSS, the Sodium might be competing with and replacing Magnesium, so making it soluble. So now I am using the precipitate from DSS (my usual preparation) re-dissolved with HCl. This gets rid of most of the Sodium. But it did raise another problem: as many ormus researchers have reported for ormus solutions in water, the re-dissolved precipitate began to lose activity over a number of days. Presumably this occurs by quantum tunnelling out of the jar, when the solid Magnesium hydroxide which holds onto the ormus, is no longer present. Thus such solutions should be used freshly after re-dissolution.


Addendum 2


For a long period of imprinting, e.g. at a sacred site, or during a ceremony or ritual, it may be more suitable to make use of quantum tunneling. Simply put a tube of Mag Phos into 50 % DSS.


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