Roger Taylor PhD. The Mu, Brook Lane, Albury, Guildford, UK < >


Studies On “Life-Energy” By Means Of A Quantitative Dowsing Method


Part II. Studies with Ormus




Ormus is the name now given to a series of extraordinary elementary substances, also known as “White Gold”. Due originally to the work of David Hudson, they are thought to be mainly precious metals, in which the electrons are re-arranged in such a way as to render them non-metallic, chemically non-reactive and, in some respects, super-conductive(6). The preparation used here was made by adding  Sodium hydroxide to a strong solution of Dead Sea salt (DSS) until the pH came to 10.5-10.8, and then washing the resulting precipitate (DSS.OH) free of most of the Sodium chloride.  This precipitate (which would be mainly Magnesium hydroxide) was found to have considerable dowsable energy – which was almost lacking in the original DSS.


This article reports the findings that Magnesium phosphate (MP) has not only a high affinity for ormus atoms, but greatly enhances their dowsable energy.  It even draws ormus through a glass barrier, so demonstrating quantum tunnelling.  Furthermore, ormus-charged MP inserted into orgonite greatly enhanced its activity, and small orgonite pieces, enhanced in this way, had a remarkable power to charge water.


Phosphate precipitation 

The initial observation was made after adding phosphoric acid to DSS.OH. At first the loose  hydroxide precipitate started to dissolve, then re-formed as a more granular sediment:  presumably mainly Magnesium phosphate (DSS.PO4 in the figures below). On dowsing the precipitate from 150g DSS, before and after converting to phosphate, I found this procedure to almost quadruple the energy.  This observation suggested that ormus atoms might enter directly into solid MP. To test this, 30ml 50% DSS solution was added to 100mg solid MP. It became almost immediately dowsable. After about 2h, the MP was filtered off and dried. This, the “good stuff” in Fig. 1, is quite amazingly powerful. 


Comparison with some natural sources 

Comparing the dried DSS.PO4 with some natural sources of life energy shows it to be over 50x the strength of magnetite and vastly stronger than shungite, and the “good stuff” was yet about 5x stronger still (Fig. 1). 


Îïèñàíèå: E:\C\DD\WEB\UNUSUAL\ALMANACH\1n12\Part2\image001.png


Use with orgonite

The orgonite used here was a 13cm cone (phi-ratio dimensions) containing Al-alloy turnings. Approx 0.5g DSS.PO4 was put into a central hole. This was placed outside on a partly sunny day, and dowsed at intervals. As shown in the earlier article, the energy varies greatly with the sun. But it now rises to 4-5x higher than any of my orgonites without ormus – including the 30cm pyramid with Al turnings + quartz crystals which featured in Part I (Fig. 2).


Îïèñàíèå: E:\C\DD\WEB\UNUSUAL\ALMANACH\1n12\Part2\image002.png


Charging water

The following sources were used to charge water:


(a) “Cone”, as above, placed beside 950ml water ~2h

(b) “Egg” (a small piece, ~4cm x3cm, of orgonite made with steel wool, containing ~300mg DSS.PO4). Suspended in 1gallon water ~2h

(c) Magnetite ( water bottle kept overnight in cylindrical “charger”, filled with magnetite to  ~1cm depth).

(d) MRET (the recommended 30min with electrical water-charging device from Igor Smirnov. ).

(e) Plywood pyramid (overnight in 8ft pyramid shown in Part I).

(f) Tymbak water, purchased as charged by the laser method of Dan Nelson ( ).


950ml dowsed in each case (Fig. 3).


Îïèñàíèå: E:\C\DD\WEB\UNUSUAL\ALMANACH\1n12\Part2\image003.png


Time course of water charging

950ml water from the “Cone” and “Egg” experiments above was dowsed at intervals. Results showed charging essentially complete in 2-3h for the small (950ml) volume (blue), and 3-5h for the larger (1gall) volume (red) (Fig. 4).


Îïèñàíèå: E:\C\DD\WEB\UNUSUAL\ALMANACH\1n12\Part2\image004.png


 [Fig. 4 near here]


Decay of water charge


950ml water, charged with “Cone”, was dowsed at intervals during 5 days. Evidently, after losing some 50% of its charge in the first 2 days, it reaches a stable level (Fig. 6).


Îïèñàíèå: E:\C\DD\WEB\UNUSUAL\ALMANACH\1n12\Part2\image005.png


Quantum tunnelling through glass into Mag Phos.

The high affinity of MP for ormus offered a way to test for quantum tunnelling. Fifty ml 50% DSS was placed in a 100ml beaker. Into this was placed a glass test tube containing 100mg MP. The whole was dowsed at intervals without moving or stirring it. As seen in Fig. 6 the dowsable energy rose to a maximum in about 7h. The reason for the partial decline to a new stable level is not known, but has been repeated.


Îïèñàíèå: E:\C\DD\WEB\UNUSUAL\ALMANACH\1n12\Part2\image006.png




Superconductivity is one of the unusual properties attributed to ormus (6), or at least to some types of ormus, and thought to account for certain extraordinary observations. One of these is the appearance of drops of fluid, containing ormus, on the outside of closed containers. This could only happen, it is suggested, if the ormus atoms were quantum-tunneling their way out, and carrying a little water with them. The results obtained here support this suggestion. Here, we may note that little or no dowsable energy was present in the original Dead Sea salt. Thus the procedure of alkaline precipitation may be bringing the ormus atoms into a collective state of coherence.


An interesting question is: why should the phosphate be more active than the hydroxide? To my mind the activity of any preparation depends, in addition to the quantity of ormus atoms, on the degree to which they are linked into large-scale quantum coherence. This is probably a result of some of the methods used by ormus producers, and of the reported influence of full moon, etc. My guess here is that coherence is facilitated when the ormus atoms are entrapped in regular array into crystals. Indeed, the phosphate precipitate is obviously crystalline when viewed under a microscope, when compared with the amorphous form of the hydroxide. It is thus a puzzle why the original crystals of Dead Sea salt seem to be almost inactive.


As shown in Part I, the activity of orgonite depends strongly on the sun, the influence of which was hypothesized to be syntropic, and of the same nature as orgone.   The influence of ormus, added to orgonite may now be to add to, and partly replace, the influence of the sun. Thus orgonite containing ormus is still strongly active even indoors in winter.


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