Alexander A.Shpilman ( )


Focusing of Wave Function?

Application of lenses and mirrors for electromagnetic radiations for us is already habitual. The magnetic and electrostatic lenses for focusing electronic and ionic beams are widely used.

But there is still something unusual...

From the quantum mechanics we know about wave properties of elementary particles. We know about diffraction and interference of beams of elementary particles. These wave effects are well described by the quantum mechanics using the concept of wave function of elementary particles.

But that if you try to focus a phase of such a wave in one voluntary point, as it is shown in figure.


In the point P1 we put an elementary particle (for example, proton). The waves of the phase f of the wave function of the particle are focused by the lens L in the point P2.

How will behave the elementary particle in a point P1 in such an "optical" system?
Will be shown the tunnel effect?

If we place the second particle in the point P2, then how these two particles will interact between themselves?
Is it possible the formation of similarity of the Kuper's pair? Can be the superconductivity connected to the presence of set of microlenses in the substance?

There are interesting questions. But not less interesting question is how to make such a lens?

Probably, it is possible to try to apply electrostatic lenses, which are used for focusing of electronic beams. But these lenses will influence to movement of investigated elementary particles, what will complicate the search of new effects.
It is tempting to try to use nonvortical vector potential, for example, from the toroidal electrical coil (see also
N1/96). Such vector potential will not influence the movement of particles, but it will move a phase of their wave function.


df ~ q*A*dl



- phase of wave function;
- the charge is elementary particles;
- vector potential;
- path traveled by a wave of a phase.

It is quite enough for construction of a lens, which we need.

The vector-potential lens will be asymmetrical in relation to a direction of propagation of a wave phase. If the lens will be focusing in one its part, in the opposite direction it will be defocussing.
What effects it is possible to expect because of this property?

The lens can be easily transformed in a waveguide similar the optical fiber.
What effects it is possible to expect because of this property?

The phase speed of wave function of elementary particles can exceed speed of light on many times. Who knows, maybe the given experiment will qualitatively change our communication facility?

And maybe we can descry structure of a proton?


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