The Freedom Series

A Harmony Essence (TM) Method.

Copyright (c) 2000 by Jerry Dufour
and Robert Neil Boyd ( ), all rights reserved.


Draft of 01/25/00 Revision 6.2 J.D.

Central theme: Deep appreciation of the uniqueness of all life and the freedom to express your own uniqueness is the key to vanishing addictive behaviors, substance abuse, fixated roles and culturally programmed identities. These are poor substitutes for the magnificence of who You really are.

Approach: Find the positives that are used as an attempt to escape or distract awareness from the present negatives or the absent positives. Do this without validating either the negatives or their ‘positive’ substitutes. Then re-establish the underlying unique expression of their essence emotions and thus their connection with the Universe.

Recommended Harmony Essence Prerequisites:

1. The 'Basic Practices'.
2. 'Penetrating Insight' exercises on each of the Essence Emotions, or alternately, the full ‘Essence Connections Set’. (See attached "Suit of Emotions" for EEs)

Part I Freedom/Uniqueness

1."How are you free to express your uniqueness? "

2. "As that freedom to express yourself what (Essence Emotion, e.g., Peace) can you experience ?
[Optional Step:] You may have the EE chart in front of client and ask

3. "As that freedom to express yourself what other Essence Emotion can you experience?
Repeat 2 or 3 until the positive emotions are freed up on that expression of uniqueness.
Repeat steps 1 - 2 or 1 - 3 until a good sense of freedom to be themselves is recovered.

Part II Outside Steps:

1. "In what ways is that (point to and name some visible thing in Nature) free?
2. "In what ways are you as free as that (thing selected)?

Can be modified to run in-doors, or via telephone as:

1. "Find something Natural in your environment.
2. "In what ways is it free?"

Part III The Natural Right of All Life to be Free to have-do-Be

This practice addresses Natural Rightness and has four flows: The Self, The Other, the Group, and All of Life.
Each of these four flows should be done on each of the elements of this section. When used on a specific topic, precede the element with a statement such as, "Regarding (topic),..."

1a. "What (Essence Emotion) should You ( I, Another, the Group or People or They, Nature) be free to have (Experience)?"
If you feel the ans. is negative or destructive ask: "What could be the consequences of that?"

b. "What (EE) should you (they, etc.) be free to do (Express)?" If negative, get consequences.
c. "What (EE) should you (they, etc.) be free to Be?" If negative, get consequences.

2a. "How can you (they, etc) express your (their) unique self through your (their) work?"
If negative, get consequences.

b. "How can you (they, etc) express your (their) unique self through play?" If negative, get consequences.
[If needed: "Describe some ways you (they) can be yourself (themselves)?"
"Describe some more ways." "Is it OK for you (them) to be yourself (themselves) in those ways?"]

Run Penetrating Insight on any snags, or slow-downs. This vanishes any negative emotions that have been stimulated by any element of this series.

(When attention is observed to drop into any negative emotion, ask, "What were you feeling just then?" then run Penetrating Insight on it.)

If stronger inabilities or blockages to expression come up in any on Part III run 'Cause-to-Cause': e.g. "Where did that come from?" "What is the cause of that?" "What caused that?"
and so on, to the source of problem.

Part IV Modified Balance Point (Suggested by a very helpful spirit being.)

Use the Balance Point Exercise's wideness and freedom parts and skip the other parts.

Then, outdoors:
1. "Look at all the sky (or if night, stars)."
2. "Feel how wide the sky is."
3. "Feel the freedom it sends out."
4. "Do you feel like returning any emotion?" "Do it."

Part V Experiencing (Receiving), Being, Projecting [Past. Present, Future]

[Note: If any visions arise while doing this section, have the individual focus on the positive emotions contained in that vision, and do PI on them.

Then ask: "Is that vision an aspect of who you are?"]

1. "Who are you that no one else is?" "Go deeper into that." (PI to bottom.)
2. "Look at things you do your own way." "Go deeper into that." (PI to bottom.)
3. "What do you have that expresses you?" "Go deeper into that." (PI to bottom.)
4. "When you aren't you, are you comfortable?" If "No", "Why not be you?"

[Note: On steps 5 - 13, when there is a response which combines several of the EEs,

locate which EE the combination is the most related to, and run the sequence on that.]

[Note: Steps 5 - 13 can also be done "about" something. E.G., "Regarding (topic), what Trust (EE) are you meant to be?"]

5. "What [or Get the]... (Essence Emotion, e.g., Harmony ) are you meant to be?
"Go deeper into that." (PI to bottom.)

6. "What (EE, e.g., Harmony) are you expressing as yourself?"
"Go deeper into that." (PI to bottom.)

[Now, we do ‘Past, Present, Future.’ on the Essence Emotion.]

7. "Get the (EE, e.g., Harmony ) that you have been receiving in your world all your life."
"Go deeper into that." (PI to bottom.)

8. "Experience the (EE, e.g., Harmony ) that you are receiving now in your world."
"Go deeper into that." (PI to bottom.)

9. "Experience all the (EE, e.g., Harmony ) that you are meant to be receiving through all time" "Go deeper into
that." (PI to bottom.)

10. "Get the (EE, e.g., Harmony ) you are meant to be experiencing in your life."
"Go deeper into that." (PI to bottom.)

11. "Experience the (EE, e.g., Harmony ) you were meant to be projecting."
"Go deeper into that." (PI to bottom.)

12. "Get the (EE, e.g., Harmony ) that you are projecting now."
"Go deeper into that." (PI to bottom.)

13. "Get the (EE, e.g., Harmony ) you are meant to be projecting through all time."
"Go deeper into that." (PI to bottom.)


If a really strong issue comes up you should run Cause-to-Cause. When you get to its source, e.g., 'the middle-class game', ask:
"Regarding 'the middle-class game' what (EE, e.g. Perfection ) are you meant to be?"

If client is not really positive on the issue:
"What is (or "Get what's) meant to be with how you deal with that situation?"

Note: Run each of the full Suit of Essence Emotions as in ‘Harmony’, steps 5 through 13, above (including related substructures of the positives, as time and interest allows)

Part VI: Reunion

Note: Persons trapped in identities and obsessive behaviors have lost contact with or appreciation of the core of Self and Others and have thus cut themselves off from most Life.

1. Outdoors:
"Pick one of the objects in the sky or in the natural environment"
"What emotion is it sending you?"


"Pick something Natural in your environment."
"What positive emotion is it sending you?"

2. "Is there any emotion you feel like returning?" "Do so."
3. "Get the fullness of the (emotion returned) that you are meant to be.
4, "Feel the fulfillment that results from living in that condition."
5. "Can living in that condition lead to any completions for you?"

[Note: If any snags run ‘Penetrating Insight' on negative emotions and 'Cause-to-Cause' on sticky situations.

Penetrating Insight is usually the preferred remedy to use as 'Cause-to-Cause' can be lengthy]
Repeat steps 1-5 until the person is very free and stable.
[Optional Steps. These probably belong with an "Appreciation Pathway":

6. "What does that (Natural thing) do for you?"}
7. "What can you do for it?"]

Penetrating Insight Expanded:
(Note: When doing Penetrating Insight on any negative emotion other than fear, DON'T use "Notice how your attention wants to move away from it.")
On a heavy issue, after handling first negative, add: "Are there any related feelings?" and run Penetrating Insight on each of them. E.g.:
"Put all your attention on (neg. feeling).
"Ignore all thoughts and pictures and just feel the emotion."
"As if that uncomfortable feeling were water, and you want to find how deep it is, move all the way through to the bottom of that feeling."

"Do not allow your attention to be distracted by any thoughts or pictures. Just keep moving your attention deeper and deeper into that emotion, until you find the bottom."
Observe when they have reached the bottom, or ask them to tell you when they reach the bottom of the negative feeling.
When they reach the bottom ask, "When you get to the bottom of that feeling, what happens?"

If the uncomfortable emotion has not vanished into one of the Essence Emotions, redo from the beginning, being sure that the words are understood. "What does the word ______ mean to you?" etc., to reach the correct understanding.

If the discomfort has vanished into one of the Essence Emotions (Person finds a positive at the bottom), ask:
"Is that is a true aspect of who you are?"

{or "What aspect of your Divinity does that reflect?" [This variation probably belongs with The Power, or Sacredness Pathway.] }

Specific Target Procedures: Habits and Rewards: De-Identification

Part I De-identification

(Penetrating Insight and Cause-to-Cause are the preferred methods. Use "De-identification" and "Intentions and Rewards" as a fall-back method when progress is difficult, or as a starting point for specific targeted areas, such as substance abuse, etc.)
[Note: Guide must NOT validate the negative by connecting the Essence Emotion to the negative, e.g., "Regarding alcohol, what should you be free to do?" Do not ask this.]

1. Target Sequence for a Habit Pattern

"Is there a habit you would like to break?" If so get it and ask:
"Does (habit) represent who You are?"
"Would you like to have complete freedom of choice over that?"

1. "How are you similar to (habit)?"
2. "How are you different from (habit)?"
Repeat the pair 1.& 2., running to a nice separation and win.

Then go to Part II Breaking the Habit before asking for and running another habit.

2. Target Sequence for Compulsions

"Is there something that you feel compelled to do that's not quite right?" If so get it and ask: "Does (compulsion) represent who you are?"

"Would you like to have complete freedom of choice over that?"

1. "How are you similar to someone who (compulsion)?"
2. "How are you different from someone who (compulsion)?"

Repeat the pair 1.& 2., running to a nice separation and win.
Then go to Part II Breaking the Habit before asking for and running another compulsion.

3. Target Sequence for Substance Abuse

"Is there a substance that you have been abusing?" If so get it and ask:
"Are you the (substance)?"
"Would you like to have complete freedom of choice over that?"

1."How is your body similar to (substance)?"
2. "How is your body different from (substance)?"
3. "How are you similar to (substance)?"
4. "How are you different from (substance)?"

Repeat 1. through 4. to a nice separation and win. Then go to Part II Breaking the Habit before asking for and running another abused substance.

4. Target Sequence: Role or Identity

"Is there a role or identity you feel trapped in? If so get it and ask:
"Does (role or identity) represent who you really are?"
"Would you like to have complete freedom of choice over that?"

1. "How are you similar to (role or identity)?"
2. "How are you different from (role or identity)?"

Repeat 1.& 2. to a nice separation and win. Then go to Part II Breaking the Habit before asking for and running another abused substance.

(Note: The method of Part II Breaking the Habit is still being examined for modifications suitable for application to targets other than habits. Experimental results appreciated.)

Part II Breaking the Habit
- A habit involves automatic behaviors with very little participation of the attention.

With sufficient and sustained attention, the individual regains attention regarding their behavior.
They are then able to make a clear and conscious decision about what they are doing, at each step on the way.
This section is designed to recover attention and awareness on automatic behaviors, so the individual's control of their behavior is restored.

1. "Put all of your attention on the habitual behavior. Go into it."
1a. "Examine, what do you do first?"
2. "What do you do next?"
3. "What does that involve?"
4a "Can there be any difficulties associated with what you are doing?"
4b. "What are the details of those difficulties which can arise?"
5. "What happens next?"
6. "What details do you need to pay attention to?"
7. "Are any other resources required?"
8. "Then what happens?"
9. "What do you need attention on to accomplish this?"

Cycle steps 2 - 9 until the individual is aware of every detail of every step involved with the automatic behavior pattern, and until they can duplicate this procedure by themselves.
Ideally, the individual should be taken through the steps of the habit directly (rather than indirectly by talking about it), so that they restore awareness of every detail involved in the automated behavior, and thus regain control. E.G., the habit of smoking requires many things are available.
Have the individual start from the beginning with none of the things available. In a real and physical way, walk the individual through each step of the process, bringing their attention into the area by repeated use of steps 1 - 9 above.]

Part III Intentions and Rewards of Area

1 "What's been your intention while taking (substance)?
or "What's been your intention while doing (obsessive activity or habit)?
or "What's been your intention while being (fixed role or identity)?"

2. "Is there a main feeling or emotion connected with the area?"
Run it with Penetrating Insight. (May be a wanted or unwanted emotion or feeling.)

3. "Are there any other feelings or emotions connected to (emotion or feeling just run) that need to be run?"
If interested run on PI.

4. "Are there any other feelings or emotions connected to (subject area) that need to be run?" If interested run them on PI.
5. "What payoffs or rewards did you get from (fixated area)?"
6. On each payoff run: "In what ways is (payoff) who you really are?"
[Steps: 7 & 8 are optional]

7. Run PI on payoff emotions (especially on questionably negative ones, e.g., 'a feeling of speed', 'a sense of invincibility') to get to a core positive payoff emotion (PE) which should be an approximation of one or more of the of the Essence Emotions, e.g., Personal Power After doing PI on a positive payoff emotion (PE) run:

8a. "As (PE) what are you free to experience?"

b. "Would you like to experience that?"
c. "How can you accomplish that?"
d. "Can you see yourself doing that?"
e. "What would be the consequences of doing that?" (Run to a free point on each.)
9. "As that freedom to express yourself what (Essence Emotion, e.g., Peace) can you experience?"
10. Repeat 9. using other EEs or ask "As that freedom to express yourself what other Essence Emotion can you experience?" Have the EE chart available so the client can refer to it.

Then return to Part I De-identification and find another target area, until sufficient progress has happened.
Then go back to Part I Freedom/Uniqueness, at the very beginning and run at least Part I through IV again.
They should recognize a much higher Freedom to express their uniqueness and be quite satisfied or they may wish to continue for more.